My caseload is likely similar to yours. Lots of variety of in types of communication delays but just a few children using AAC devices. Those AAC users only make up a few kids on my caseload but they take a TON of time to plan for. This year I decided to try out the Word of the Week idea for implementing Core Vocabulary into the preschool day.
My goals:
1. Keep myself accountable for teaching new core words each week.
2. Help teachers, paraprofessionals, and related service staff learn to use the child’s AAC device functionally.
3. Keep better records of the growth of the device for different pragmatic functions.
4. Show parents how to use toys, books, and daily routines with the core word of the week.
Throughout the year, I used one core word as the focus for the week. I stuffed teachers, paras, OT, PT, and APE mailboxes full of handouts each week. I covered the classroom in pictures, data charts, and activity sheets. I am giving my activities a facelift for this summer and thought I’d share them with you in case you can use them! In the photo above you can see what I put on the wall by the classroom door each week. Data sheet for all to keep data on up top, followed by some recommended activities, and on the bottom a picture of the AAC screen where I circled the button. That helped staff while they learned new words.
I put icons for the W.O.W (word of the week) around the room. This helped remind the kids AND adults to use the WOW!
I thew them everywhere! On trampolines, by doors, on the radio, and on white boards.
This summer on of my major projects is revising these activities. I’m sharing them in sets of 4. So you should be able to use the set for one month.
The packet is meant to provide a month of instruction (four core words are targeted) for a classroom. It has tools to collect data, give teachers and staff ideas, and notes for parents too. The packet can be adapted for a clinic setting or another service delivery model, but it works perfectly for a classroom setup.
A quick video tour of what is included for each core word of the week is included in the video! Check it out.
The set uses Smarty Symbols in the products because each AAC program uses copyrighted symbols. You can use this packet with any AAC device.
The packet includes:
Parent Intro Letter
Staff Intro Letter
Parent Model/Elicitation Explanation Sheet
The following materials are provided for each core word:
Weekly External Door Sign
Weekly Staff/Parent Letter
Room Signs
Data Sheet
Activity Sheet
Activity Sheets on rings
Interactive Vocabulary Book
App Recommendation/Ideas
My W.O.W. Book cover
W.O.W. weekly sheet
Coloring Sheet
The packet also includes a set of editable pages where you can add your own symbols/text so that you can use the same symbols used in your student’s device. The editable documents include: parent intro letter, staff intro letter, data sheet, classroom sign, staff update sheet, room signs sheet, and W.O.W. book collage sheet.
The idea is that you have everything you need to help the staff you work with use the core word of the week! You can check out my product in my TpT Shop! Set One includes the words Go, Help, Different, and In.
Have you used a Word of the Week program before?
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