Birds on a Wire App Reviews

Electrokite apps have developed a series of apps called Birds on a Wire. The apps were released this summer and are listed in iTunes for 99 cents each. The three apps focus on Adjectives, Verbs and Nouns. Birds on a Wire: Adjectives is a simple app that lets students read a set of 3 words and identify the one that is an adjective. The introduction page teaches students the features of an adjective. If you click on the adjective listed it changes to another adjective and also changes the picture. Since adjectives can be broad these examples are really important to the student understanding. For example, pressing the ‘three’ on this page changed the example to ‘sleepy birds.’ The app is easy to navigate once you understand  the controls on the lower part of the screen. You can also see the Brainstorm button which prompts you to make an adjective list. It asks the student to look around the room and name as many adjectives they can in one minute. The game portion shows 3 words. The student clicks on the correct bird to indicate which word is an adjective. After the choice is selected press the arrow to move to next set of words. The other portion of the app asks the students to write sentences using the adjectives on the top of the page. The Birds on a Wire: Nouns app functions in the same manner. It also contains the identify the noun game, brainstorm prompt and writing activity. The Birds on a Wire: Verb app is also presented in the same format. The app price is much lower than most other therapy apps. Therapist should be aware that the reduced price results in limited control. There is no data collection or tracking. Therapists can not edit the words used or the types of prompts. While the app doesn’t have many features, for it’s low price, I’m glad to have this is my ‘grammar’ app file! Keep your eyes peeled over at the SpeechRoomNews Facebook page for a major code drop of these apps! Disclosure Statement: These app codes were provided by the company in order to complete a review. No other compensation was provided.

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