The following is a sample of some goals I write for students with communication disorders. Please feel free to bookmark this page and reference when writing goals and objectives. You make share a link to this page. You may not copy/paste this set of goal and share it as you own or post it in its entirety on a separate website. Happy Goal Writing!
Phono | By the end of the IEP, given a verbal or visual prompt X will produce targeted speech sounds without process errors in 3-4 word sentences with 80% accuracy measured through observation in 3/4 data collection opportunities per grading term. |
By the end of the IEP, given a verbal or visual prompt X will Produce accurate vowel patterns for pure vowels and dipthongs in isolation or cv/vc word structure with 50% accuracy, measured through observation, ¾ data collection opportunities per grading term. | |
By the end of the IEP, given a model, X will imitate the production of a) consonants (p, b, m, t, d), b) vowels (ee, ah, oo, etc.), and c) CV and VC combinations with 80% accuracy in 3 out of 4 data collections opportunities, measured through observation, in 3 observations per grading term. | |
By the end of the IEP, given a model and tactile cues, X will imitate a variety of vowel and consonant sounds in syllable combinations to form words ¾ obs, 3 data points per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, given a picture cue and a model, X will pronounce the strident sound /f/ (without stopping) in words with 80% accuracy as measured by observation, 3 data points each grading period | |
By the end of the IEP, when engaged in a structured activity, X will correctly produce targeted speech sounds (/s/, /f/, final consonants, and 3-4 syllable words) with 80% accuracy measured by observation, 3/4 data collection opportunities per grading period. | |
By the end of this IEP, during structured speech/language tasks, given picture and verbal cues, X will communicate in four word utterances with 80% intelligibility, as measured through observation, 3 data points per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, given a verbal or visual prompt, X will imitate a variety vowel and consonant sounds in simple syllable combinations (CV, VC, CVC) with 80% accuracy measured through observation in 3/4 data collection opportunities per grading term. | |
By the end of the IEP, when given a picture/object and a model, X will produce fricative (f,v,s,z) sounds without stopping in words with 80% accuracy as measured through observation, 3/4 data collection opportunities per grading term. | |
By the end of the IEP, when engaged in a structured activity, X will mark final consonants in words with 80% accuracy as measured by observation, 3/4 data collection opportunities per grading term. | |
By the end of the IEP, when engaged in a structured activity, X will use 2-3 syllable words in words with 80% accuracy as measured by observation, 3/4 data collection opportunities per grading term. | |
By the end of the IEP, given a picture card and model, X will produce /s/ and /f/ in all positions of words with 80% accuracy in 3/4 data collection opportunities per grading term, as measured by observation. | |
By the end of the IEP, when given a picture cue and a verbal model, X will include targeted final consonants (p,b,m,n,t,d,f,s) in 2 word phrases with 75% accuracy, as measured by observation, 3/4 data collection opportunities per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, given a picture card and a model, X will imitate early developing sounds /p, b, m, t, d, n, h, w/ in varied syllable sequences (CVC, CVCV, CVCVC), without sound omission, in a) words and b) 2-word phrases with 80% accuracy based upon observation,3/4 data points each grading period | |
By the end of the IEP, given a picture card and a model, X will produce the /s and l/ sounds in consonant blends without cluster reduction in a) words and b) phrases with 80% accuracy as measured by observation, 3 data points each grading period | |
By the end of the IEP, when given a picture cue and a verbal model, X will produce the “CH” and /j/ sounds without stopping in a) words and b)phrases with 80% accuracy as measured by observation, 3/4 data points each grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, when given a picture cue and a verbal model, X will mark initial sounds in CVC words, in words and phrases, with one verbal/visual prompt, 80% accuracy measured through observation, ¾ times assessed per grading term. | |
By the end of the IEP, given visual models, tactile prompts, and verbal prompts, X will imitate CV and VC syllables with 75% accuracy measured through observation, 3 data collection opportunities per grading period. | |
Early Language | By the end of the IEP, given verbal and visual prompts, X will interact with multiple sensory materials on ¾ trials assessed, as measured by observation, 3 data points each grading period. |
By the end of the IEP, given verbal and visual prompts, X will visually track a bright or noise making object that is put before her on 3 out of 4 trials, based on observation, 3 data points per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, given verbal and visual prompts, X will gaze toward a sounds source (voice, music, toy) on ¾ trials based on observation, 3 data points each grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, given verbal and visual prompts, X will gaze toward visual stimulation (light source, bright toy) on ¾ trials, based on observation, 3 data points per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, given verbal and visual prompts, X will follow novel one-step directions with 80% accuracy 3 out of 4 data collection opportunities, measured through observation, in 3 observations per grading term | |
By the end of the IEP, given a model, X will maintain a turn-taking activity for at least three turns (making noises, rolling ball, stacking blocks, activating cause/effect toy), 3 out of 4 data collection opportunities per grading term, measured by observation, in 3 observations per grading term. | |
By the end of the IEP, X will make a choice by pointing, signing, or imitating a word, given a verbal prompt, with 80% accuracy measured by observations 3 data points per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, given verbal and visual prompts, when engaged in a structured activity, X will use signs/picture icons/speech to communicate needs and wants on 3/4 trials, based upon observation, 3 data points each grading period | |
By the end of the IEP, X will imitate 5 functional play actions by watch the play partner then imitating the play action within 5 seconds of the presentation of the opportunity in ¾ sessions. | |
By the end of the IEP, given a visual and verbal prompt, X will imitate a word approximation, sign, or activate a speech output device, to make a request with 75% accuracy measured by observation, 3 data points per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, given a verbal or visual prompt X will engage in 5 turn-taking exchanges by relinquishing to the other person and then requesting a turn or taking a turn given models and cues. | |
AAC | By the end of the IEP, in preschool classroom activities (circle, snack, etc.), given one verbal prompt, X will use core vocabulary words meaningfully on his speech generating device at least twice per activity, with 75% accuracy measured through observation, 3 data collection opportunities per grading period. |
By the end of the IEP, during structured language activities, X will use his speech generating device for 3 different functions per activity (request repetition, comment, label, request an item, refuse, request assistance, greet, ask a question, request clarification, etc.) with two verbal or gestural prompts, with 75% accuracy measured through observation, 3 data collection opportunities per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, given a model, X will use functional communication to interact her environment (point, gesture, activate AAC, imitate sounds, etc.), with 80% accuracy 3/4 data collection opportunities per grading term, measured by observation. | |
Receptive | By the end of the IEP, given a 3 photographs, X will identify a familiar or curriculum object, with 80% accuracy, measured through observation, 3/4 times assessed per grading term |
By the end of the IEP, given 3 items, X will point to the object named and imitate the single word label with 80% accuracy, measured through observation, 3/4 times assessed per grading term. | |
By the end of the IEP, , given picture cards/objects and a verbal cue, X will answer questions pertaining to a story or the activity at hand with 80% accuracy as measured by data, 3 data points each grading period. | |
By the end of this IEP, when given picture cues and a verbal prompt, X will complete directions to show understanding of spatial concepts (under, beside, in front, behind), quantity concepts (one, more, all), time concepts(first, next, last) and descriptive terms ( bigger, biggest) with 80% accuracy, measured through observation, 3 data points per grading period | |
By the end of this IEP, when given picture cues and a verbal question, X will respond to who, what, where, why and when questions with 80% accuracy, as measured through observation, 3 data points per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, given a verbal and visual prompt, X will point to the named vocabulary picture from a field of 3, with 80% accuracy as measured by observation 3 data points per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP,, given 2-3 objects/pictures x will point to the one named when given a a) physical cue, b) model and c)verbal cue on 3/4 trials, based upon observation, 3 data points each grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, when given 3 picture choices and a verbal cue, X will match vocabulary related to classroom themes with 75% accuracy, as measured by observation, 3 data points per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, given objects/pictures, X will point to what he wants when given a) physical cue, b) model and c) verbal cue on 3/4 trials, based upon observation, 3 data points each grading period | |
By the end of the IEP, when given two objects or pictures (snacks, classroom activities, toys, etc.) X will make a choice by looking/pointing/gesturing/ or vocalizing, when given a tactile and verbal prompt, in 3/4 opportunities measured through observation, 3 times per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, when given a 3 pictures and one verbal prompt, X will sequence three picture cards with 80% accuracy measured by observation, 3 data points per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, when given a picture choice, X will make an inference about what will happen next, with 80% accuracy measured by observation, 3 data points per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, given objects/pictures, X will point to the one named or described when given a) physical cues, b) model and c) verbal cue on ¾ trials based on observation, 3 data points per grading period. | |
By the End of the IEP, given a picture/ a verbal word and a model, X will follow simple commands to imitate actions (for example-jump, sit, clap, put in….) on 3/4 opportunities as measured by observation, 3 data points each grading period | |
By the end of the IEP, given verbal/visual cues, X will sequence and describe 3-4 picture cards to retell a 3-4 step story with 80% accuracy as measured by observation, 3 data points each grading period | |
By the end of the IEP, given 3 pictures or objects, X will point to an object when given a) the items function b) the item attributes with 75% accuracy measured through observation, 3 data collection opportunities per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, when given a structured therapy task (ie: book, app, craft, etc), X will answer WH questions about the task (who, what doing, where) with 80% accuracy as measured by observation in 3 data collection opportunities. | |
By the end of the IEP, when given 5 objects/pictures and a verbal prompt, X will identify an item when given a) the function and b)physical description with 80% accuracy based on observation, in 3 data collection opportunities. | |
Expressive | By the end of the IEP, given a model, X will use functional communication to interact with her environment (point, gesture, activate AAC, imitate sounds, etc.), with 80% accuracy 3/4 data collection opportunities per grading term, measured by observation. |
By the end of the IEP, given a picture cue and a model, X will label curriculum vocabulary including descriptions and pronouns, with 80% accuracy as measured by observation, 3 data points/grading period | |
By the end of the IEP, given a picture card and a model, X will incorporate classroom vocabulary into a 2 word phrase with 75% accuracy on ¾ observations per grading term. | |
By the end of the IEP, given a verbal and visual prompt, X will match pictures of curriculum vocabulary with 80% accuracy as measured by observations, 3 data points per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, given a an item or photograph, X will use a single word to label 5 new items per grading term with 80% accuracy, measured through observation, 3/4 times assessed per grading term. | |
By the end of the IEP, X will display increased in use of phrases at least four words in length containing a variety of word types (descriptors, labels, actions, location words, question words, time word, location words) | |
By the end of the IEP, when engaged in play with toys, food, or story with pictures and given no more than 2 verbal models or prompts, X will use a 1-3 word phrase to comment on his play or actions with 75%, as measured by observation, 3 data points per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, when given 2-3 choices of toys or food and no more than 2 verbal prompts, X will use words and phrases to make a request in 75% of trials assessed, as measured by observation, 3 data points per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, given picture cards, verbal questions and multimodal cues X will answer Wh- question types(what, what doing, who, where) with 80% accuracy as measured through observation, 3 data points per grading period | |
By the end of the IEP, , given an object/picture (noun or action words) and a model, x will imitate a word/sign/gesture on 3/4 trials based upon observation, 3 data points each grading period | |
By the end of the IEP, given visual or verbal prompts when engaged in a structured activity, X will use signs/picture icons/speech to communicate needs and wants on ¾ trials based upon observation, 3 data points per grading period | |
By the end of the IEP, given a picture card and a model, X will name curriculum vocabulary (nouns, verbs, descriptors) with 80% accuracy based upon observation, 3 data points each grading period | |
By the end of the IEP, given a picture card and a model, X will use curriculum vocabulary in different word combinations (for example-noun+verb, verb+noun, adjective+noun) to form a 2-word phrase with 80% accuracy based upon observation, 3 data points each grading period | |
By the end of the IEP, given a picture card and a model, X will use total communication (signs/verbalizations.AAC) to request desired activities, 10 time/session, measured through observation 3/3 data collection opportunities. | |
By the end of the IEP, given a picture card and a model, X will use total communication (signs/verbalizations.AAC) to label common vocabulary in objects/pictures. | |
By the end of the IEP, given a picture card and a verbal cue, X will describe function/use of curricular vocabulary with 80%accuracy as measured by observation, 3 data points each grading period | |
By the end of the IEP, given picture cards/objects and a verbal cue, X will name the category and state 3 items/category with 80% accuracy as measured by observation, 3 data points each grading period | |
By the end of the IEP, X will imitate a 3 word utterances, with a visual reference, 3/4 data collection opportunities, measured through observation, 3/3 data collection opportunities per grading term. | |
By the end of the IEP, X will produce 3+ word utterance to indicate a choice or share an idea/comment, with no more than one verbal and visual prompt, ¾ data collection opportunities. | |
By the end of the IEP, X will produce a 3+ words utterance to describe the action in a picture/demonstration, with no more than one verbal and visual prompt, ¾ data collection opportunities. | |
By the end of the IEP, Given a picture card and verbal prompt, X will describe an item’s use/function when asked with 80% accuracy based upon observation, 3 data points per grading period. | |
Syntax | By the end of this IEP, when given picture or story cues and a verbal model X will imitate 4-5 word sentences using targeted grammatical forms (pronouns, verb forms, prepositions) with 80% accuracy, as measured through observation, 3 data points per grading period |
By the end of the IEP,given a picture card, X will use the pronouns “he and she” when given a) a model and b) a question to answer with 80% accuracy as measured by observation, 3 data points each grading period | |
By the end of the IEP, given a picture and verbal prompts, X will use regular past tense -ed with 80% accuracy as measured by observation, 3 data points per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, given a picture and verbal prompts, X will use irregular past tense verbs in sentences with 80% accuracy as measured by observation, 3 data points per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, given a picture and verbal prompts, X will use regular plural -s in simple sentences with 80% accuracy as measured by observation, 3 data points per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, given a picture card, X will produce the helping verbs “is, are, am” when given a) a model and b) a question to answer with 80% accuracy as measured by observation, 3 data points each grading period | |
By the end of the IEP, given a picture and verbal prompts, X will use different three-word combinations for example (noun + verb, descriptor + noun, etc.) with 80% accuracy as measured by observation, 3 data points per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, given a picture and verbal prompts, X will use prepositional phrases in simple sentences (ie: in my backpack, under the chair) with 80% accuracy as measured by observation, 3 data points per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, given a picture and verbal prompts, X will connect simple sentences with “and” or “because” with 80% accuracy as measured by observation, 3 data points per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, given a picture and verbal prompts, X will use comparative forms (-er) in simple sentences with 80% accuracy as measured by observation, 3 data points per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, given a picture and verbal prompts, X use temporal words to describe time (before, first, yesterday) with 80% accuracy as measured by observation, 3 data points per grading period. | |
Social | By the end of the IEP, when given a difficult task, X will use a physical emotional regulation strategies (six sides of breathing, lazy 8 breathing, calming sequence, etc ) in a calm manner in 3 out of 4 times observed as assessed once per month. |
By the end of the IEP, when given a difficult task, X will use a verbal emotional regulation strategy (asking for help, asking a question, asking for more materials, etc) with peers and/or adults in a calm manner in 3 out of 4 times observed as assessed once per month. | |
By the end of the IEP, when given an interaction with peers he perceives as frustrating, X will use a verbal or physical emotional regulation strategy (asking for help, asking a question, asking for more materials, six sides of breathing, lazy 8 breathing, calming sequence, etc) with peers and/or adults in a calm manner in 3 out of 4 times observed as assessed once per month. | |
By the end of the IEP, when engaged in play with peers, X will maintain the topic of conversation in a 3-part dialogue exchange, given one verbal prompt, in 3/4 opportunities, measured by observation. | |
By the end of the IEP, when speaking to an adult or peer, X will position his body and face toward the speaker in 4/5 opportunities when given a verbal prompt measured by observation, 3 data points per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, when engaged in an activity with peers, X will use appropriate nonverbal communication skills (establish eye contact, maintain proximity, etc.), in 3/4 opportunities as measured through observation, 3 data collection opportunities per quarter | |
By the end of the IEP, when engaged in play with a peer, X will make a contextually relevant response, given one adult prompt or question, 3 times per play scheme, as measured by observation, 3 data collection opportunities per quarter. | |
By the end of the IEP, when engaged in an activity with peers, X will use appropriate nonverbal communication skills (establish eye contact, maintain proximity, etc.), in 3/4 opportunities as measured through observation, 3 data collection opportunities per quarter. | |
By the end of the IEP, when engaged in play with a peer, X will participate in a 3-part communication exchange, given two verbal prompts, in 3/4 opportunities, measured by observation, 3 data collection opportunities per quarter. | |
By the end of the IEP, when engaged in play with a peer, X will make a contextually relevant response, given one adult prompt or question, 3 times per play scheme, as measured by observation, 3 data collection opportunities per quarter. | |
By the end of the IEP, when engaged in play with peers, X will maintain the topic of conversation in a 3-part dialogue exchange, given one verbal prompt, in 3/4 opportunities, measured by observation. | |
By the end of the IEP, when engaged in a structured activity, X ill respond to an adult or peer’s question and give relevant information, with 80% accuracy measured by observation, 3 data collection opportunities per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, when engaged in play with a peer, Will will participate in a 3-part conversation, given two verbal prompts, in 3/4 opportunities, measured by observation. | |
By the end of the IEP, when engaged in play with a peer, X will make a comment or ask a question on the topic of conversation, given one adult prompt, 3 times per play scheme, as measured by observation, 3 data collection opportunities per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, in small group, X will initiate conversation with a peer (by greeting, using non-verbal communication skills, commenting, or questioning), given one adult prompt, two times per 10 minute play scheme, as measured by observation, 3 data collection opportunities per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, after saying a friend’s name to gain attention, X will make a verbal request with appropriate physical proximity, ¾ opportunities. | |
By the end of the IEP, X will use words (i.e.: “Ms. Jenna,” “Excuse me”) and/or gestures (raising hand) or physical interaction (tapping shoulder) to gain attention of adults and peers before initiating communication given 2 verbal prompts, 3 of 4 opportunities. | |
By the end of the IEP, In the school setting, X will greet his peers and adults during appropriate times, 3/4 opportunities. | |
By the end of the IEP, X will use language for a 4 different functions (direct, comment, question, request, praise,etc.) during conversation/play with peers measured through observation, with one verbal reminder, in 2/3 data points per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, during large or small group activities, X will follow directives of peers in 3/4 opportunities measured by observation, given one verbal prompt, 3 data points per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, when speaking to an adult or peer, X will position his body and face toward the speaker in 4/5 opportunities when given a verbal prompt measured by observation, 3 data points per grading period. | |
By the end of the IEP, given a picture cue and a model, X will communicate his idea to a peer, when engaged in a structured activity, 4 out of 5 opportunities presented as measured by observation, 3 data points each grading period | |
By the end of the IEP, given a model, X will use a single word combined with a nonverbal behavior (e.g. eye gaze, gestures, pointing, showing), to ask for help, label, reject, or request a preferred item/action/turn during play activities, with 80% accuracy measured through observation, 3 data collection opportunities per grading period. |
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