

SLP Blogs & Websites

There are hundreds of website and blogs dedicated to the field of Speech-Language Pathology. This resource list is a place to find new ideas, inspiration, and reading!

SLP Blogs & Resource List

You can use this list several ways: Click on links to check out NEW resources.


Remind yourself  of the links to your current favorites.

Please feel free to share this resource with graduate students, SLPs, and related personnel.

These links were all found through personal experience, author submissions, and other internet sources.  The content in these blogs is in no way sponsored by Speech Room News. The list is intended to give you access to as many resources as possible, but I cannot assume any responsibility for the content on the linked sites. I go through the submissions and delete websites that are not updated regularly.

Please always directly link to this page. You can use the image as the teaser in your content, but DO NOT directly copy the list and use it for your own website or blog.


  1. Speech Room News: www.TheSpeechRoomNews.com
  2. 5 Minute Speech Therapy: www.5minutespeechtherapy.com
  3. A Perfect Blend: http://aperfectblendteaching.blogspot.com/
  4. Activity Tailor: http://www.activitytailor.com/blog/
  5. AFV SLP: http://www.afvslp.blogspot.com/ 
  6. Alberta Speechie: http://albertaspeechie.blogspot.ca
  7. All 4 My Child: http://all4mychild.com/
  8. All Y’all Need: www.allyallneed.com
  9. ASHAsphere:  http://blog.asha.org/
  10. A.T. Tips: https://attipscast.com/
  11. Baby Chatter: http://www.babychatter.com.au/blog-2/
  12. Back Bay Speech Therapy: http://www.backbayspeechtherapy.com
  13. Badger State Speechy: www.badgerstatespeechy.blogspot.com
  14. Beautiful Speech: http://beautifulspeechlife.com
  15. Breanna’s Speech Blog: http://www.breannasspeechblog.com/
  16. Busy Bee Speech: http://busybeespeech.com/
  17. Busy Bug Kits: www.busybugkits.com
  18. Building Successful Lives: bslspeechlanguage.blogspot.com
  19. Canadian SLP: http://www.canadianslp.com/blog/
  20. Chapel Hill:  http://chapelhillsnippets.blogspot.com/
  21. Chicago SLP: http://www.chicagospeechtherapy.com
  22. Cindy L. Meester’s Blog: http://meesterc.wordpress.com/
  23. Cooking Up Good Speech: http://www.speechsnacks.com/
  24. Communication Milestones, LLC: www.communicationmilestonesllc.com
  25. Communication Station: http://www.communicationstationspeechtx.blogspot.com/
  26. Consonantly Speaking: http://consonantlyspeaking.com
  27. Crazy Speech World:  http://crazyspeechworld.com/
  28. Creative Speech Lab: http://creativespeechlab.com/
  29. Cree-zy, Crazy Speechie: http://ndnspeechmom.wordpress.com/
  30. Dabbling Speechie: www.thedabblingspeechie.com
  31. Denitsa Getova https://www.denitsagetsova.com/
  32. Discovering SLP: http://discoveringslp.blogspot.com
  33. Doyle Speech Works: http://doylespeechworks.blogspot.com/
  34. Dr. Karen Speech & Language: www.drkarenspeech.com
  35. Dysphagia Ramblings: http://www.dysphagiaramblings.com
  36. Easy Speech and Language Ideas: http://easyspeakideas.blogspot.com/
  37. Eric Sailers: http://ericsailers.com/
  38. Erik X Raj: http://www.erikxraj.com/
  39. Express Yourself Speech and Language: http://blog.speechandlanguage.com/
  40. Expressions Speech & Language Center:  www.expressionsspeech.com
  41. Figuratively Speeching: http://figurativelyspeechingslp.blogspot.com/
  42. Geek SLP: http://www.geekslp.com/
  43. Gold Country SLP: http://goldcountryslp.blogspot.com/
  44. Hear Say: www.HearSayLW.com
  45. Home Speech Home: http://www.home-speech-home.com/
  46. Home Sweet Speech Room: homesweetspeechroom.blogspot.com
  47. Honey Bear Speech: honeybearspeech.blogspot.com
  48. How Pintearesting: http://www.howpintearesting.blogspot.com/
  49. Independent Clinician: https://www.independentclinician.com/
  50. Jill Kuzma’s Social Thinking Blog: http://jillkuzma.wordpress.com/
  51. Just Wright Speech: www.justwrightspeech.blogspot.com
  52. Kayla SLP: www.kaylaslp.blogspot.com
  53. Keeping Speech Simple: http://keepingspeechsimple.com/
  54. The Language Fix: http://languagefix.wordpress.com/
  55. Lesson Pix: http://lessonpix.com/
  56. Let’s Grow Speech: www.letsgrowspeech.com
  57. Let’s Talk! http://whitneyslp.blogspot.com
  58. Let’s Talk Speech-Language Pathology: http://www.letstalkslp.blogspot.com
  59. Let’s Talk Speech & Language: http://www.letstalkspeechlanguage.com/
  60. Let’s Talk Speech Therapy: letstalkspeechtherapy.blogspot.com
  61. Lexical Linguist: http://lexicallinguist.wordpress.com/
  62. Little Acorn Speech: https://littleacornspeech.wordpress.com
  63. Live Love Speech: http://www.livelovespeech.com/
  64. Looks Like Language: http://www.lookslikelanguage.com
  65. Look Who’s Talking: http://lookwhoslp.blogspot.com/
  66. Middle School Speech & Language: http://slpblog.wix.com/middle-school-slp
  67. Milestones and Miracles: www.milestonesandmiracles.com/blog/
  68. Mommy Speech Therapy: http://mommyspeechtherapy.com/
  69. Monoe’s Speech & Language: https://monaesbooks.wordpress.com
  70. Ms. Jocelyn’s Speech: www.msjocelynspeech.com
  71. My Easy Bee:  www.myeasybee.com
  72. My Speech Tools: myspeechtools.blogspot.com
  73. My Toddler Talks: http://www.mytoddlertalks.com
  74. Natalie Snyders, SLP: www.slpnataliesnyders.com
  75. NW Speech Therapy: http://www.nwspeechtherapy.com/blog/
  76. Old School Speech: http://www.oldschoolspeech.com
  77. Omazing Kids: http://omazingkidsllc.com/
  78. Palmetto Speech Blog: http://www.palmettospeechgirl.blogspot.com
  79. Panda Speech Therapy: http://www.pandaspeechtherapy.com/
  80. Pathologically Speaking: http://pathologicallyspeaking.blogspot.com/
  81. Peachie Speechie: PeachieSpeechie.com
  82. Pedi Speechie: http://pedispeechie.blogspot.com
  83. Pedia Staff:  http://www.pediastaff.com/blog/
  84. Play on Words: http://testyyettrying.blogspot.com/
  85. Playing With Words 365: http://www.playingwithwords365.com/
  86. PrAACtical AAC:  http://praacticalaac.info/.com
  87. Putting Words in Your Mouth: www.puttingwordsinyourmouthbymia.blogspot.com
  88. Queen’s Speech: http://queenspeech.blogspot.com/
  89. Rakovic’s Speech and Language Chat:  http://prakovic.edublogs.org/
  90. Road to Speech: www.roadtospeech.com
  91. Scanlon Speech: http://www.scanlonspeech.com/
  92. School House Talk: http://slp123.blogspot.com/
  93. Short & Sweet Speech: www.Shortandsweetspeech.com
  94. Simply Speech: Kcummingsslp.blogspot.com
  95. SLP Lauren Dibiase http://slplaurendibiase.blogspot.com
  96. SLP Runner: http://slprunner2013.blogspot.com/
  97. SLP Speech Gems: http://slpspeechgems.blogspot.com/
  98. SLP Toolkit: blog.slptoolkit.com
  99. Small Talk: http://smarttalkers.blogspot.com/
  100. Smartmouth SLP: http://smartmouthslp.com/
  101. Smart Speech Therapy: http://www.smartspeechtherapy.com/blog/
  102. SmartTalkers:  www.smarttalkers.blogspot.com
  103. Smashingly Good Speech: http://www.smashinglygoodspeech.blogspot.com
  104. Sounds Like Fun: http://Soundslikefunslp.blospot.com
  105. Sparklle SLP: http://sparklleslp.blogspot.com
  106. Spectronics http://www.spectronicsinoz.com/blog/
  107. Speaking of Apps: www.speakingofapps.com
  108. Speaking of Speech http://www.speakingofspeech.com/
  109. Speed Adventures: http://speechadventures.com/
  110. Speech 2 Me: speech2me.blogspot.com
  111. Speech 2 U: Speech2U.blogspot.com
  112. Speech and Language Kids: https://www.speechandlanguagekids.com/
  113. Speech Blog UK: http://speechbloguk.com/
  114. Speech Bop: Www.speechbop.com
  115. Speech Bubble: http://thespeechbubbleslp.blogspot.com/
  116. Speech Dreams: http://www.slpspeechdreams.blogspot.com/
  117. Speech Drive: www.speechdrive.net
  118. Speech in the Schools: http://community.advanceweb.com/blogs/sp_2/default.aspx
  119. Speech is Beautiful: http://speechisbeautiful.com
  120. Speech is Sweet: http://speechissweet.blogspot.com/
  121. Speech Me Maybe: SpeechMeMaybe.com
  122. Speech Therapy Fun: www.speechtherapyfun.com
  123. Speech Therapy Ideas: http://www.speechtherapyideas.com/
  124. Speech to the Core: Www.speechtothecore.com
  125. Speech Lady Jen: www.therapyandlearningservices.com
  126. Speech Lady Liz: http://speechladyliz.blogspot.com/
  127. Speech Language & Auditory Learning: http://sherm04.blogspot.com/
  128. Speech and Language Neighborhoods: http://www.speechlanguageneighborhood.com/
  129. Speech Language Pirates: http://speechlanguagepirates.blogspot.com/
  130. Speech Peeps: allisonspeechpeeps.blogspot.com
  131. Speech Room News: TheSpeechRoomNews.com
  132. Speech Room Style: http://speechroomstyle.com/
  133. Speech Simplified: Speechsimplified.com
  134. Speech Sprouts: http://www.speechsproutstherapy.com/
  135. Speech Techie: http://www.speechtechie.com/
  136. Speech Therapists Don’t Get Apples: http://rwslp.wordpress.com
  137. Speech Therapy Materials Auction: speechtherapymaterialsauction.com
  138. Speech Time Fun: http://speechtimefun.blogspot.com/
  139. Speech Therapy with Liz: http://speechtherapywithliz.blogspot.com/
  140. Speech Umbrella: http://thespeechumbrella.blogspot.com
  141. Speech Universe: http://speechuniverse.blogspot.com/
  142. Speech Wonderland: http://speechwonderland.blogspot.com/
  143. Speechercize: www.speechercize.blogspot.com
  144. SpeechieFreebies: SpeechieFreebies.blogspot.com
  145. Speechy Keen SLP: http://www.speechykeenslp.com/blog/
  146. Speechy Musings: http://speechymusings.wordpress.com/
  147. Spik My Language: http://spikmylanguage.blogspot.com/
  148. Spontaneous Speech: http://www.spontaneousspeech.blogspot.com
  149. Spirited Speech Pathology: SpiritedSpeechPathology.blogspot.com
  150. Straight Up Speech: straightupspeech.blogspot.com
  151. Sublime Speech: http://sublimespeech.com/
  152. Successful Practice SLP: http://www.successfulpracticeslp.com/
  153. Sunshine Speech: www.sunshinespeech.blogspot.com
  154. SuperPower Speech: superpowerspeech.com
  155. Sweet Southern Speech: http://sweetsouthernspeech.blogspot.com/
  156. Sweet Speech: http://sweetspeech.org
  157. Talking Matters: http://blog.talkingmatters.com.au/
  158. Talking with Rebecca: rebeccaslp.com
  159. Talking with Toddlers: www.talkingwithtoddlers.com
  160. Talking with Twang: www.TalkinWithTwang.com
  161. Teach Beyond Speech: www.teachbeyondspeech.com
  162. Teaching Talking: https://www.teachingtalking.com/
  163. Teach Me To Talk: http://teachmetotalk.com
  164. Teach Speech 365: http://teachspeech365.blogspot.com/
  165. The Budget SLP  http://www.thebudgetslp.com/
  166. The Speech Chicks: http://thespeechchicks.blogspot.com/
  167. The Speech Guy: http://azspeechguy.wordpress.com/
  168. The Speech Peach: www.thespeechpeach.blogspot.com
  169. The Speech Owl: http://thespeechowl.blogspot.com
  170. The Speech Place: http://thespeechplace.info
  171. The Speech Stop:  www.thespeechstop.com
  172. The Speech Summit: http://www.thespeechsummit.com
  173. Therapy App 411:  http://www.therapyapp411.com/
  174. Therapy Ideas: http://therapyideas.org/
  175. Thrifty SLP: http://thethriftyslp.blogspot.com/
  176. Testy Yet Trying: http://testyyettrying.blogspot.com/
  177. TLC Talk Shop: Www.tlctalkshop.com
  178. Twin Speech, Language & Literacy LLC: http://twinspeechlanguageandliteracy.com
  179. Word Finding For Kids: www.wordfindingforkids.com
  180. Word Nerd Speech Teach: www.wordnerdspeechteach.blogspot.com
  181. Word of Mouth SLP: wordofmouthspeech.blogspot.com
  182.  Your SLP Momma Says:  http://www.yourslpmommasays.blogspot.com


Website Author? If your blog or website is not listed and you are an SLP website/blog, please leave your information in a comment and the list will be updated occasionally.



Steinhardt NYU


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