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Jennifer H says
I love the new website! Thank you for changing it from a blog. My school just blocked half of the speech blogs that I had bookmarked. This one is still available. Keep up the great work!
adminSRN says
I hate when school filters do that! Thanks for reading!
Jenny says
Thanks for your blog posts!
Tracie says
Do you have a favorite pre-school language test? A least favorite?
Barb Stillwell, SLP in CA says
I love your site! It is fantastic! I am interested in developing my own blog or website would you mind sharing what site you use? Is it free or do who have to pay a fee? I work as a SLP for a county office on the central coast of California with students with complex special needs. Thanks for sharing and doing what you do to enhance our profession.
adminSRN says
Hi Barb. I pay for my website and host it through Host Gator. Goodluck!