Literacy Group Roundup

Katie and I been working hard on phonological awareness skills with most of the kids in our literacy group. Here’s a quick round up! I borrowed Emily’s Twister Hopscotch and added letters on construction paper below them. I said one of the sounds and the kids had to hop the corresponding letter. The gross motor moving helped us get out some energy! The rainbow idea came from Pinterest but originally from A Cupcake For the Teacher. We worked on syllable counting. First we wrote the beginning sounds for each color. Then we wrote the number of syllables for the color word. For example “yellow” is two syllables. Katie had the kids use a flashlight identify and find the letter to accompany the sound she produced. (PS – I kinda LOVE this pirate graphic to cover my faces :)) We also created these Pinterest inspired ice blocks. The kids dug them out, then we did phonological awareness skills with the name of the animals. Lastly we made some super cute ice cream cones! These are a Pinterest copy cat too! Original credit. We worked on identifying words that start with /s/ like our flavor ‘strawberry’. What have you been doing with your kids this summer?

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