

Storage & Organization

I get asked this question every week. How do you store all these materials? So today I took a picture! I store the units I sell or buy on TPT in gallon sized bags. I leave title pages in and use the instruction pages as dividers within the bag. Each of the games is rubber banded in there. Then I put all my current seasonal bags like this into a container that sits next to my kidney table for easy grab and go. You can see books that I will use in the container too. You’re looking at almost all my lesson plans for the season. Then when we play a game I just pull out what we need. I leave the other items in the bag sitting next to me! Seriously how great are these listening comprehension activities? I love this clipart! You can find them in this packet on TPT.  This is the cheapest, easiest way for me to have easy access to my activities but also having them organized. How are you storing your items?

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