Syntax City {App Review}, Custom Boards {giveaway}

It’s no secret, that I’m a huge fan of Smarty Ears apps. When I buy Smarty Ears apps I know that I’m going to get a quality speech and language product. Smarty Ears sent me a copy of Syntax City, their latest app, to check out for you. While they provided the code, the review opinions are mine alone. Syntax City targets do/does, was/were, third person singular agreement, is/are, plurals, past tense verbs, and subjective pronouns. Each location has 50 stimulus items. To collect data during play select, Visit the City. A quick play option is available too, but you’ll want to add your students’ names to collect data. Add new players and get Visitor Badges. Click the settings button to adjust audio and voice recording options. When you select the next arrow, you will enter Syntax City! Each different area of the city is a different task. Drag your players into the area of the city you wish to target. You can have your players targeting different skills or even have one player with two different learning targets. The home page of each game will give a short introduction. The stimulus items each contain a picture relevant to the scene. For example at the grocery story, you see stimulus pictures and sentences regarding shopping. Students listen to the prompt and then select the correct answer. I have selected the option to record the phrase for expressive language practice. Occasional treasure pieces can be found throughout the app. Up to 8 different items in each area. Check out the report cards section. In this selection you can see the treasures collected. You can also see data collected. See the information to print, email or send to one of the other programs on your iPad. Cons: The pictures with prompts are a little busy in some sections (ie: the grocery). They have a ‘wallpaper’ back ground. For some of my kids I think it would be overwhelming. I think a solid color background might have made the icons stand out more. Just a personal preference. Pros: My favorite part of the app is the flexibility that each student can work on a different goal. It make it easy to target grammar in groups in my school setting! Syntax City is current listed for $24.99 on itunes. Smarty Ears also wants to give away a copy of one of my favorite apps they developed. Custom Boards is like makes making communication boards and other visuals a snap. It uses smarty symbols inserted into over 126 templates for grids & boards, schedules, activities, signs, devices/switches, labels and worksheets. Enter via the rafflecopter below! a Rafflecopter giveaway

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