Category TherAppy App {Review & Giveaway}

Tactus Therapy apps are known mostly for their adult rehab therapy apps. Last week Megan contacted me to review their app targeting semantic categories, Category TherAppy.   The app is appropriate for both adults and children.

When you open the app start by pressing the setting tab, and turning it into child-friendly mode. While you’re there, make any changes to how the information is presented.

The app contains 4 different category activities: Find, Classify, Exclude, and Add One.  In the Find it game, select the categories you want to include, then click the arrow. A screen will present the category name and say, “Touch the form of transportation.” The student selects the correct answer by clicking on it. Data is kept throughout and visible on the top of the screen.

The Classify activity asks the child, “Which category does this belong to?”

The Exclude activity, asks the child to identify which picture doesn’t belong. If needed, the student can click on the ‘hint’ button, to see the category name.

In the Add One activity, children are given 3 pictures and asked to identify which picture ‘goes with the others.’

You can change difficulty level (concrete, sub, abstract). The above pictures show categories for each level in the child-friendly setting, to give you an idea of what the difficulty levels are.  Pros: Category TherAppy uses a  simple framework that is ideal for children with language disorders, multiple disabilities or ASD. Although other apps might have visual appeal for neurotypical brains, this plain white background it ideal for the special needs population. I appreciate the leveled categories which allow me to use the app with everyone from preschool to 5th grade on my school caseload. 

Cons: While the app collects data during each session which can be emailed, there is no way to add student names and track data over time. 

The app is available for $14.99 in the iTunes store. Tactus Therapy wants to give one SLP a free copy! Enter via rafflecopter below!  a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer Statement: A free copy of this app was provided to SRN for review. No other compensation was provided. The opinions expressed are solely the reviewers and were not influenced by the developer.

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