Reading Roadway {review & giveaway}

Reading Roadway USA, is a reading comprehension game developed by Learning Resources. The game focuses on non-fiction passages with facts based on the states.  As students move from state to state, they listen or read a passage. Answer the literal and inferential questions after reading or listening to the passage. Students collect souvenirs through each region in the country.   The game incorporates new vocabulary and geography concepts and is a great way to incorporate academic vocabulary! For children with speech or language deficits, Reading Roadway USA, provides opportunity to work on listening comprehension, WH questions, inferencing and vocabulary.  Learning Resources wants to give away a copy of this game one lucky Speech Room News reader. Enter via rafflecopter below.  a Rafflecopter giveaway Disclosure Statement: Learning Resources provided resources for testing in exchange for a review. The opinions expressed in this review are mine. No other compensation was provided. 

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