Valentine’s Day Grammar & Social Skills

Just popping in to share the LOVE! Valentine’s Day activities full of love are ready for you to pick up if you need them!

My Valentine’s Day Grammar packet features many SWEET animal friends and 6 grammar activities. These are my most frequently used objectives. The document is 37 pages in length. Find it here on TPT. Scroll down for a sneak peek! 

Puppy Love:  Pronouns (60 cards) Fill in the blanks with the correct pronoun. Add puppy pieces to the dog scenes, but watch out for the love sick cards!


I Stinkin’ Love You: Irregular Verb Cards  (20 cards) Each card contains a sentence. Students must choose the correct answer to fill in the blank. They may keep their card on the box of chocolates if they answer correctly. 

 ‘Toad’ally in love: Irregular Plurals (24 cards) Students read each card. Find the two frogs that match for the regular and  irregular plurals. Use each in a sentence.

Robot iLove: Subject/Verb Agreement (18 cards) Students read the sentences and fill in the blanks with is/are. Sort the robots onto the correct square.

Love Bugs: HAVE/HAS Cards  (18 cards) Students read the sentence on the card and fill in the blank with HAVE or HAS. Then sort the bugs onto the right leaf. 


Guppy Love:  WAS/WERE cards (18 cards) Students draw a card. Read the sentence and fill in the blank with the correct past tense form of ‘to be.’ Sort the card onto the correct bowl. 

Find the grammar set in my TPT store

The social packet is 29 pages in length and includes 4 different activities. Many activities are appropriate for elementary student. There is a level 2 set of problem solving questions that are appropriate for middle school and high school students. 

Social Problem Solving Level 1: Ages 5 & up (24 cards, blank cards, 2 mats) Print a cup or envelope for each student. Students collect cards for their mat by answering questions. If they answer appropriately, they keep the card. The student with the most cards is the winner. Targets: Classroom Behavior, Politeness, Initiating Conversation, Apologizing, Spatial Awareness, Interrupting, Reads Nonverbal Language

Social Problem Solving Level 1: Ages 12 & up (24 cards, blank cards, 2 mats) Print a cup or envelope for each student. Students collect cards for their mat by answering questions. If they answer appropriately, keep the card. The student with the most cards is the winner. Targets: Classroom Behavior, Bullying, Sarcasm, Dating, Compliments, Peer Pressure

Continuing Conversations: (18 cards, blank cards, game board) Cut and laminate all cards. Place them next to the game board. On each turn, pull one card. Read the speaker and the statement. Determine how you would respond to that comment or question. If you answer correctly, move your piece on the game board. The first person to the end of the board is the winner. Watch out for the ‘Love Sick’ spaces, which send you back to start. Targets: Classroom Behavior, Bullying, Sarcasm, Dating, Compliments, Peer Pressure

Expected & Unexpected Behavior: (18 cards, blank cards, 2 mats) Students draw cards and decided if that behavior is expected or unexpected. Sort the cards onto the corresponding envelope.  You can find it on my TPT Store! Here! 

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