

Speech Flipbook {app review & giveaway}

Speech Flipbook is a new app from Tactus Therapy. At $4.99, this affordable app is developed for articulation, phonological awareness, and reading. The app might fit the need for your students with articulation disorders, phonological awareness delays, dysrthria or apraxia.

Tactus is great about sharing videos so instead of me explaining the app, just check out this video. The first kiddo I used the app with is a beginning reader also working on S-blends. I set up the settings to include on CVC real words with s-blends in  the initial positions with all vowel and final consonants included. Here are a few screen shots of the set up and activities.  Tactus Therapy included a recording feature which I love, especially for the kiddos working on blending the 3 sounds. I can record them with the sounds segmented and let them listen again to blend it.  Cons: The lack of any data collection within the app is disappointing. With an app clearly made as a therapy tool, I would expect some type of data collection available.  Pros: The app is a great deal for it’s high quality performance. It’s an app that can be flexible for a variety of student on your caseload.  So here’s the bottom line: For the cost of my weekly Venti Carmel Frappuccino, Speech Flipbook gives you an app that targets communication disorders and foundational literacy skills all in one. Most frequently those skills overlap in our school based therapy rooms, meaning an app that addresses both will be frequently used on the iPad. I can only hope data collection will become available in future updates.  Tactus Therapy is giving one lucky SRN a copy for free. Just enter using rafflecopter below.  a Rafflecopter giveaway Disclosure Statement: This app was provided by Tactus therapy for review. No other compensation was provided. Opinions expressed are the authors. 

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