Two Million {a giveaway}

It’s a day for celebrating! During this week Speech Room News passed 2 million views!  Say What? 2,000,000 That’s two million times you visited for products, reviews, ideas or just to see my smiling face on the side bar. Whatever made you click on over, THANKS, so much 🙂  So, we just have to celebrate that! Since we can’t get together for happy hour or some geeky SLP laminating party…. I’ll just throw a giveaway.  I will select two people to win a $10 TpT gift certificate! Just enter via rafflecopter below! Thanks for letting me share my passion with you here in this community!  a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Welcome! The Speech Room News® is a speech therapy blog for speech-language pathologists and other educators. I use this space of the internet to share the news from my speech room to yours!  I’m so glad you’ve found me!


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