I was scoping out some newly added Super Duper apps lately and asked my friends over there if I could write a quick review of a few! The apps are all originally available as Fun Decks. The ability to carry them on the iPad lets me use them at all 3 of my buildings this year! Check out what is available! What Would You Do In the Community if…. Fun Deck ($2.99) This app has all 56 illustrated picture flash cards (plus audio of each card’s text) from the What Would You Do in the Community if… Fun Deck. Select the cards you want to use to help students discuss how they would react to various situations in and around the community. The prompts include questions like, “What would you do if … someone cut in front of you in the checkout line?” and “What would you do if … your waiter brought you the wrong food order?”
WH Questions in the Community Fun Deck ($2.99) This app has all 56 illustrated picture flash cards (plus audio of each card’s text) from the WH Questions in the Community Fun Deck. Select the cards you want to use in order to discuss what happens in and around various locations throughout the community. The prompts include questions like, “What do you do at the post office?” and “Who watches over children at a swimming pool?”
Synonyms Photo Fun Deck ($2.99) This vocabulary app for the all devices has 56 full-color photo cards (plus audio of each card’s text) from the Synonyms Photo Fun Deck for practicing and learning words with similar meanings. Select the cards you want to use, then have your students read/listen to the sentence and choose from two answer choices the correct synonym for the target word. The prompts include statements like, “She is feeling sick. Sick means the same as…(ill) (hot).” The Automatic Scoring option records the students’ data when they choose an answer. I love that this fun deck features real pictures. I can use the app for my ASD population. The real pictures are much more meaningful that illustrations to them.
Difficult Situations Fun Deck ($2.99) The Difficult Situations app includes 56 illustrated picture flash cards (plus audio of each card’s text) from the Difficult Situations Fun Deck®. Select the cards you want to use in order to teach and discuss safety, and talk about feelings and emotions as students learn how to react and solve problems quickly in a variety of stressful situations. The prompts include situations like, “Someone at school is bullying you and won’t stop,” and “Someone calls your house when you are alone and asks to speak to your mom.”
Pronouns FIll-in Sentence Cards ($4.99) 120 illustrated picture flash cards (plus audio of each card’s text) from the 120 Pronoun Fill-in Sentence Cards Super Fun Deck by Super Duper Publications. Select the cards you want students to see, and have your students fill in the blank to learn the proper use of subjective, objective, possessive, and reflexive pronouns. The prompts include statements like, “Charlie and (I) go skating,” “(His) room is blue,” and “We wrote the song (ourselves).” The Automatic Scoring option allows the students to choose from one of two answers to complete the sentence correctly. This app is really developed for students who are working at the carryover level. It’s hard to use it for specific pronoun instruction. All of the Super Duper Fun Deck apps include data collection capability.
Overall App Thoughts: Using the ipad really engages my students so these apps are highly desirable for my students. I would love if the apps started to include add ons to original fun decks to give them more flexibility. I’m also really please that SD reduced some of their app prices. $3 for a SLP fun deck is a great price!
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