Many times when I’m planning for my younger articulation groups (k-2nd grade) behavior management is the biggest concern. Younger elementary kids have a hard time sitting quietly on the best of days. Then, add in any other contributing factors like sensory issues, ADHD, or having speech scheduled right after recess and behavior management of the group becomes the name of the game.
When I think about plans my goals are:
a) ability to gather over 200 trials per student
b) engaging activity that the kids enjoy, but does not over-excite
c) activity to keep students working while peers practice
One of our favorite activities is something we’ve named Draw, Write, Artic.
Each student uses a drawing book. The books have drawings broken down into steps. In our artic groups, students say 10-15 words before they can draw each step of the image. The timing works out very well so that by the time I come back to them in the group, they are ready to move on to the next part of their drawing.
Most of my students love to draw. The ones who don’t love to draw are usually hooked after they try it for the first time. Even non-artists can create art when it’s broken into steps. It’s adorable how excited they get. Once they are done with their art, we can write sentences with our target sounds to describe the art.
I’m sure your wheels are turning for other uses for these books! The activities are perfect for kids also working on retelling steps/directions, basic concepts, and similar language goals.
There are lots of illustrating books available. I use the Draw-Write-Now Box Set
It came with eight different books.
This gives us plenty to go around the table in a group!
I love the examples they include of a fully illustrated image and written passage.
Do you let your little artists work on their art during articulation groups?
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