Since I spent last week traveling this great EARTH (did you see my Instagram pics?), I thought I’d throw together an Earth Day packet. I have a ton of kids working on describing and overall expressive language skills.
I made a quick booklet that will work for lots of those skills.
First there is a booklet that teaches a little bit of background knowledge about recycling.
I put it on book rings and laminated it!
I also included an interactive version. You can add velcro and let your students match the right picture to the given page. It’s the same book as the full version. This a a great way to check comprehension is non verbal kids!
After we build some background knowledge we jumped into the describing. The kids pick one ‘waste item’ card. Use the describing poster to describe the item on the card.
Then sort that item into the correct recycling bin/compost bin. If your students are a bit more independent, I included little describing strips to keep right in front of them.
I included homework sheets and coloring sheets to keep little hands busy when you’re helping other students!
You can find the packet for sale in my TpT shop! Want to win a copy!? Just leave a comment below and I will pick a winner!
Happy Earth Day!
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