

The Napping House

The week long sugar-induced craziness that follows Halloween in preschool is always hard to harness. I wanted to focus on the Napping House this week. Half my classes are working on day/night concepts and the other half have started talking about families. The Napping House targets both of those nicely. The goal was to take my usual table top companion activities and get those little sugar-filled bodies up and moving.

The Napping House from Speech Room News

I started with the idea of a bed made out of paper that they would do actions on. My co-worker Lisa made some sentence strips and we’re in business! To make some beds start with poster paper. Go pick up some colorful tissue paper and glue it to the bed like a blanket. Then add a white rectangle to be the pillow. Laminate the whole thing.

The Napping House from Speech Room News

We retold the story using these story manipulatives that I got a few years ago through a Donor’s Choose project. I paired them with sentence strips for concepts. We read the story and worked on these positional concepts.


The kids pulled a verb card and then did that action on the bed. We jumped, swam, kicked, yawned, and cried on the bed.


We had a great day ‘napping’ in speech.

If you’re looking for free printable for The Napping House, I love to use these freebies from Kiz Club!

Happy Napping!

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