Learning Through Play: Fall Parent Handouts

One of my personal goals for 2015 was to increase my communication with parents at preschool. The most efficient way to do that is through handouts and emails. My Learning Through Play Summer Handouts for the summer were very successful! I LOVED them. My parents LOVED them. My co-workers LOVED them. And YOU loved them. Here are a few comments from the feedback on TpT.

SpeechLace said, “This is exactly what I never knew I needed. I continuously explain learning through play to parents and caregivers and this packet is a great resource for them. I’ve already sent it home with newly staffed kids and made a copy for some of my friends with kids who have asked about language development! Thank you!”

Breanna said, “Jenna, I absolutely love this product. I have had a ton of great feedback from my students’ parents. They all love it and are finding it easy to work on speech and language at home. Thanks so much for a wonderful summer packet!”

Learning Through Play Sample Handout for fall

My fall packet features the same type of handouts. Regular fall activities like making s’mores, picking pumpkins, or playing football are used to highlight opportunities to support speech and language skills.

You can grab a free copy of the s’more handout on TpT.

Learning Through Play parent handouts for FALL

Check out the full fall packet here. Let me know what other fall activities you’ll be doing with your littles!

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