Have you ever wanted to teach vocabulary to your student using google image search? One of the scariest things in life is the gamble of Google Image Search. You can’t really use google.com to search because it’s too dangerous. This week on Facebook, Jen over at SLP Runner, reminded me about Kiddle.co. It’s a kid-friendly search engine!
Let’s say you’re trying to teach the vocabulary word “wreck”. You login to Kiddle and type the word. Then select Images from the top menu bar. You see wrecked objects! All kid-safe!
Or you login to Google and search “wreck” and select images across the top.
Then you see a fatal car wreck, Miley on a wrecking ball, and a beach full of naked people. YIKES!!!
I’m so glad Jen posted the link to Kiddle. I hope you find it useful too!
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