Building Language at Touch a Truck

My preschoolers have loved transportation themes over the last few weeks at school. We have closed Facebook groups for our classes and many parents shared photos of their children at different Touch a Truck events. If you’ve never heard of it before, let me catch you up! A Touch a Truck event is an opportunity for children (and adults) to get up close and personal with different vehicles. Usually several different types are available for children to climb in, explore, touch, and learn about. You might see construction vehicles, emergency vehicles, farm equipment or even an airplane! If you’re community or school district doesn’t sponsor a Touch a Truck event, give your local fire department a call and have them visit your school for your very own touch a truck! There is so much language to be practiced! This is a great time to do some inclusion work or observe carryover of skills.

Building Language at Touch a Truck

Vocabulary: What kind of vehicle is it? Label the part of the truck. Siren, horn, tire, ladder, seat, hose, etc.

Opposites: Is the siren quiet? No it is ___. It the truck small? No it is ___.

Functions: What do you do with a ladder? Why does the truck need a siren?

Attributes: Describe the truck focusing on category, function, size, color, shape, location, etc.

Sequencing: How does the truck arrive to a fire? First, someone calls 911. Second, the alarm rings and the firemen suit up. Third, they drive to the location. Next, they unload and assess the damage. Give a scenario and list the steps!

WH questions: Who drives the truck? Where do they park it? When do they turn on the siren? Why would you call a fire truck? How do they get water into the hose? What color is the truck?

Grab your preschool therapy team or your school-age special ed team and sponsor a fire tuck visit! You’ll love it, the kids will have a blast, and you’ll build so much language!

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