Templates for Speech and Language Paperwork

Yesterday, I posted about the Culture of Schools and how I left all my work at work, except for a handful of times this year. I promised to tell you the ways I made that happen and I promise I will still do that! One of the ways I was able to do that is with templates for paperwork. I have always used templates for test write-ups but that was really it. This year, I expanded my templates and found that it really saved me precious minutes that add up over time. Many of those templates are specific to my school and placement, but some of them are universal and I’ve started to share them with you here at SRN.

Paperwork Shortcuts, Templates for SLPs

Paperwork Shortcuts! Awesome. Fantastic! JENNA, DON’T TEASE ME!  WHERE ARE THEY?!

Paperwork templates for SLPs

They have their own little section of the blog. Scroll up to the top of this page, look in the teal bar and find “Paperwork Shortcuts”. This way, next fall when you go to write your first report, all you have to do it make it back to the homepage to find them!

Hop on over there now and let me show you around! You’ll find Speech and Language Classroom Accommodations, Speech and Language Recommendations for Parents, and a few ideas for Educational Impact statements for speech therapy. If there are other templates you’d like to see, leave me a comment over there!  Ready, go check it out!

Stop back next week to catch up on  the other ways I left work at work!

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