

5 Things you Need from Target for BTS

You guys. Target keeps messing with my verbs. You see…. every time I walk in the doors my brain autocorrects WANT to NEED. Whoops. So these are the things you need from Target.

5 Things you need from Target for Back to School

Back to School shopping isn’t JUST for little kids. It is for staff too. Over the next few weeks, as I pick up goodies for school,  I’ll pop in and share them with you! Just a fun way to drool over more stuff.

So, I couldn’t pick just 5. So you actually get the Target six!

5 Things you Need from Target for BTS

1. Shag eraser for dry erase boards. 2. “Locker” magnetic schedule for your weekly dinner menu (It sticks to the fridge!) 3. All the pens. Especially the Flairs. 24 pack for me. 4. Magnetic Mesh Bin (all my office walls are magnetic. Will I fill it with paperclips or chocolate? 5. Watercolor notebooks. They’ve come a long way from Lisa Frank. 6. Carryall bag. These knock-off 31 Bags are perfect for carrying therapy materials. They are less than $10!!!

What are your latest Target finds?

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