You know she’s your SLP Bestie if you’ve ever had these conversations with her.
- Via text: “Are you watching the Grammy’s. STOP WITH THE GLOTTAL FRY!!!!”
- “Remember that time we thickened our wine? That was terrible. If I ever have a stroke, do not let them give me an MBS.”
- At Chipotle. “Are you getting guacamole?” “Maybe in 30 years when I pay off my student loans.”
- Using sign language across the bar. Just picture it: essential words //help, more, bathroom//
- “That kid could grow up to be the President. And you just fixed his /r/. You’re an American Hero!”
- “There should be hazard pay for working with middle school boys in the months of April-June. We just did a life skills lesson on personal care and deodorant. I’m going to repeat the lesson until my office returns to a normal smell.”
- “I finally picked names. The kittens are officially Jitter and Shimmer.”
- “Jack aspirated twice at dinner last night. He got all huffy when I did a bedside swallow eval on him when we got home.”
- “Because tomorrow is Saturday, we can stay up late tonight.” Only another SLP understands stimulus probes sent as texts.
- “I got peed on today.” “A kid puked in my office.” “Still better than last week!”
No one in life understands like your SLP Bestie!
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