This month the UPS guy and I have become really good buddies. He has been visiting my front door a lot, bringing therapy materials to test out and review for you! Today I’ve got something fun, that you might not have seen before! The Articulation Box is made my Primary Concepts. They provided me with a copy of this item to review. They also gave me a copy for one lucky reader! The Articulation Box contains 130 miniature objects targeting early developing speech sounds. The objects are divided into initial, medial and final positions for the following sounds: /b,p,d,f,g,h,ng,k,l,m,n,j). The Pros: Tangible items are significantly more fun than articulation flashcards! The uses for these items are pretty much endless! This week I worked with a client working on getting bilabial lip closure for /b/. I put all the /b/ items into the sand bucket (from Target dollar spot!) and let her use the shovel to select items. I think we will stick them into my Ned’s Head game next! The Cons: If I had to chance to made additions to this item it would be increasing the number of sounds. These sounds are ideal for preschool populations, but I would love to see the addition of other sounds. In the meantime I’ve been collecting little items to make my own /r/ and /s/ boxes! I used some of the items in this box that were labeled for other sounds ie: took ‘peas, pants, pencil’ out of the /p/ bag into my /s/ bag for now! Luckily the product comes with a sheet detailing the items for each sound and in each position. That makes it easy to find sounds you need. It also helped me go through and pull out multi-syllabic words quickly for a child! The possibilities are endless! The Articulation Box sells currently listed for $69.00. Primary Concepts is going to give one of you a copy for free!! Just enter below! a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Joan says
I am returning to speech after 11 years in Assistive Technology! I need all these great ideas and materials:))
Natalie says
Love this!
Pam Dahm says
Looks like fun! I could find lots of ways to use this.
Jen K says
I’ve never used real items as it is time consuming to collect all of them. I think it is a good idea though, especially for the younger clients.
Lishie says
This would be ideal for my Gabriel!
Amanda (Mandi) Schaumburg M.S.CCC-SLP says
Yes I use real objects! I do a program called the sound hammer and we hammer our sounds all session!
Cindy says
I use real items by having kids list things in the speech room that have their sound.
cbiksacky says
This is exactly what I wanted to try this year with some of my students
cassie says
Reminds me of the HAPP testing items, only WAY more organized, which was what I felt those were lacking!!
Kelly says
Yes I do use real items especially for my preschoolers.
Lori S. Gill, MS CCC-SLP says
My coworkers have been talking about putting a box together of objects for the GFTA. Preschoolers do better with objects. The pages of my book are always getting ripped. Great idea.
Holly says
Yes, we use real objects, the younger kids and kids with more severe learning challenges seem to respond better to them.
Brandy Madujibeya-Epps says
Wow this would be great for the kids I work with!
rebeccah says
I would love to use this with my Ned’s head!!
movaly1 says
I use some real objects but I haven’t had time to organize a large bunch together like this product.
Anne Motto says
Yes, I’ve used real objects for therapy when doing scavenger hunts. I love this idea of organized boxes that are ready to go. You could do so much with these!
Briana.C says
I’ve been collecting little trinkets and putting them in miracle whip jars/peanut butter jars and organizing them by velars, fricatives, etc. This kit would be awesome!
Andrea Schneider says
I don’t use real items, but have been looking this summer at different stores. It would be great to have them already prepackaged in a box for therapy!
Carly says
I would love this for the prek population I will be working with!
Courtney says
I’ve never used real objects before, but I love the idea! This would be great when working with younger clients!
speechgirl says
I use some real objects, but most of them are in the initial position. I would love to have all positions and love this idea of organized boxes!
darci says
i try to use real items as much as i can, but i would love to use even more if i won this! ( :
carolynn says
Love it!
Liz F. says
This is great! I have been trying to collect real items for these sounds and have not had much luck. I use a variety of items to target articulation goals, but prefer real objects for the younger students.
CJ says
I love the idea of freebies when I’m just getting out of school!!! Can’t afford much with the loans so this helps!!!
Kerri says
This looks like a lot of fun!
Danulai says
I’ve never used real objects before, just pictures and apps. This looks like a great idea!
AJ says
I have used objects at times, when I can find them, but this would be great. We use pictures around the room a lot too..
Mallory says
I’ve been trying to collect my own to use with my kiddos!
kdmask says
I’ve used real objects but can never seem to get enough to make it fun for more than a little while LOL
20somethingsaver says
I would love a chance to use more real objects. The kids always do so well with them.
Leanne says
I just started mu own box. This would really help!
Jpetersen224 says
I’ve tried using real objects that I’ve found around the preschool room for those kiddos, but I never feel like I can collect up enough and keep them all together. This would be an amazing set to have!!
2 Worlds says
That would be a great box for a Autism class as well.
Miz Speech says
Great product. I’ve collected little objects a long time but you cannot always find enough for certain sounds. This will be very useful.
Tracie says
I want this!!
bigreader333 says
This looks great! I have used real objects before, especially for final consonant deletion and preschool kids. says
I love to use real objects, but just don’t have enough. This would be fantastic!!
Trina says
I don’t use tangible items because it is so time consuming to gather everything I would need!
Vanessa Amodeo says
This is great! I love to use articulation items to hide around the room. I then get the kiddos to search for them, and tell us about what they found.
Lauren says
I like using real objects with students. This looks like a great tool!
Emily Weir says
Yes I do use real items for articulation therapy especially among the little ones who need to play with something while learning. This set would be amazing to have!
Kristin Cummings, M.S., CCC/SLP says
I love using real objects with the little ones that have a hard ime understanding images 🙂
Carrie Manchester says
I haven’t used tangible objects for articulation yet, but I love the idea!
Brett and Krysta says
I love using the real objects for preschoolers. It is much easier to elicit language and articulation through play this way!
Stephanie says
I use items along the way to & from my speech room–whether it’s projects, posters, teachers, students.
Ms.Katers says
Love the reminder that these are perfect for Ned’s Head!
Melissa M.S. CCC-SLP says
I like this! Lakeshore has something similar with all alphabet sounds that can be adapted for speech with nice tub organizers to boot!:;jsessionid=PsVJWqyn8m5XPY37bD4bWJ99npPlnyPBdhJvM6Mh9ydhvCQ6wvNk!-1716077797!-1146916363?productItemID=1%2C689%2C949%2C371%2C895%2C865&ASSORTMENT%3C%3East_id=1408474395181113&bmUID=1340921236584
Unknown says
I’ve used real items with my middle school students with intellectual disabilities during a trade/barter activity I created to support the history curriculum. The students all had items with their sounds that they could trade with each other.
Keggy Featherwolf says
Its a fantastic box, love it!
Lauren H says
I love using tangible items for therapy!!
Lisa says
Looks great! Would probably be easy to do by shopping at the Dollar Store.
Katie Reid says
This looks so useful! I’d love to have this in my toolbox next school year 🙂
SLP Gone Wild says
This is awesome!
Erin McQ :) says
Looks like a great starter for a brand new SLP!
jlshimab says
I would love to use manipulatives for articulation therapy, however I don’t have a pre-made set. I have been on the look-out at garage sales and thrift stores, and it’s one of my goals to make my own kit.
Melissa A says
I love this concept! Its especially helpful with the preschool phonological kiddos which enjoy the tangibility of the objects!
The Jones Family says
At my first job several years ago, I used to borrow some real objects from one of the reading specialists. She had these great little tubs filled with objects grouped by sound. It was fantastic especially with the young ones.
Jessica says
I would love to use this to help my son! We lost our insurance and I am working with him on my own now!
AMY says
I love to use real objects in therapy with my younger students. It makes concepts much more concrete for them.
wagnerslp says
Yes, I do have some real items that I use for tx. This set is really sweet!!!
Betty says
We need this in our clinic! This would be great!
lyn says
Our DD classes would benefit! I’d love to win it!
lyn atkins
Christina says
I love this! I have been trying to put together stuff for articulation with the intention of putting the items in Ned’s head! Beats the same-old boring drills.
I work with preschoolers, so I can see this is going to be really handy!
Unknown says
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brea says
I do not use real items for articulation therapy, but I would love to start! I think this would be great for the preschool population, so I would have a lot of use for this in the fall. Great giveaway!
Jada Rose says
I do not use real items because I haven’t been able to collect enough, but it would be GREAT to have real items!
Jean Hendrickson says
Real items in articulation therapy would be great but I do not have time to gather all of the items for the various phonemes.
♫~☼ceanBreeze~♫ says
Great idea! I use real items for the younger ones to promote language but don’t have objects sorted by sounds.
meagan says
I’m a fan of using tangible items in therapy, although I haven’t so much with articulation. I have started trying to collect little items like this for each phoneme, but this set would be amazing to have when I start my CF in the fall!
JenF says
I love using play for artic therapy. so much more motivating for the little kiddos!
Shannon Giles says
I do tend to use real objects with many of my students with cognitive impairments.
Kara says
I would LOVE to win this 🙂 Just what I need!
Perfectly Unperfect says
I would love this… In fact I need this 🙂
robyn says
This would be awesome!!!
Blair Hoffman says
I use apps for the older students (k-2) and worksheets, but basically try to get in a high level of practice. I use some of that with preschoolers, but try to engage them in games and activities and just use some target words within those contexts repeatedly. This would be great for both groups of students.
Queen Flip Flop says
This would be awesome for my prek kiddos!
Mary Martin says
In graduate school and this would be great to add to my new and growing collection of speech supplies! Thanks for the give away!
Rose Ann says
I use real objects all the time with my pre-k kiddos….i have a very basic version of this giveaway that i made myself—but this is much more comprehensive!!love it!
Terri Porter says
I work entirely with Preschool aged children so I use real objects on a daily basis. I have a small box of miniature objects and they love sorting them by category.
Jaxon's Action says
I use real objects for concepts but not usually for artic yet -Micala
Erin says
No, not really. I generally have stuck with pictures of objects (except for when I used to work with the 3-5 year olds)
teridiane says
I rarely use real objects for artic practice but think it would be great for preschool population and SDC/functional skills population.
ALR says
I really haven’t… I do, however, use books that have a targeted sound consistently. It seems like a great idea, though!
Natalya H says
What a great tool! I love that I can use this to build articulation skills and work on some vocabulary at the same time!
sjjackson says
I think using tangible items for artic therapy is great! Especially for younger kids because you could incorporate the items into play and work on the productions in spontaneous language.
Erica says
I love using tangible items for therapy…the younger kids love it and it also is a great way to reinforce concepts which a lot of my younger kiddos struggle with. I also bought “trinkets” from etsy, separated them into sound groups, and made eye spy bags with them, which was another great way to work on artic without using cards!
jztjzt says
This would be awesome to have. I have a few items for /k, d, g, s/ that I use, but would love to more. I like to put them in a bin full of rice and have them find them. The real objects work much better than sticking cards in it for them to find. Thanks!
scmajor says
I haven’t used real objects in arctic therapy but would love to. Next year my caseload is purely preschool and this would be perfect!!!
agiftofspeech says
I have started collecting little toys from everyone. I snag from my kids stuff all the time. When I clean out their toys I add to my sound bags!
Cheerios626 says
YES!!! I love using real objects for all sorts of goals. Articulation is wonderful when you have a bag of objects to pull out and play with/manipulate. I work with preschoolers and they get a kick out of having something to hold (and not just looking at picture cards).
ChristyS says
I use a combination of real objects and cards. I love the idea of having all of these little item already sorted out!
Holly says
I use real objects or toys to be more specific during play therapy. Really fun for the younger kids that are working on articulation and language!!
Martina says
Love to use these in structured play settings for artic and aproximation of sounds with kids with ASD
Megan says
I normally use pictures for artic therapy, but real objects would be great for some of my md students. It would keep their interest much longer.
KLaGrange says
I use manipulatives for my PPCD population. I feel it gives them something a little more concrete before they move to pictures. These are great!
Jennifer says
That would be awesome for my preschool friends.
Kings says
using the real items is so much more fun than just pictures
Betty Rich says
I love using ‘real’ objects with my preschoolers! I guess that is why the manufacturer targeted the early developing sounds.
Chelsea says
Great giveaway for a great blog! <3
Andy and Tess says
This would be great use with my ECSE kiddos.
Shar W says
Our school uses a good variety of items with our students!
tracy says
My preschool babies would love this!
Maria says
I am just starting out and this box would be an amazing addition! Using real, touchable items seems to be more helpful with the younger kids than just flashcards.
Clj53 says
Would love a copy of this!
Arlen says
This kit would be great to use with all my preschoolers! All kinds of fun to be had with objects.
*Alison* says
I have scrounged up real objects for things like initial and/or final consonant deletion but never for specific articulation sounds. I would love to have this kit!
Dana says
I try to use real objects when teaching vocabulary in my preschool classes. I would love to have real objects for artic therapy as well!
Unknown says
Love real objects!
mlemar says
Some children I see are so familiar w their target sound cards that they seem to say them before I’ve even turned it over or unpinned it from the fish or skittle!! Having a range of stimuli between the iPad, flashcards and real objects mean the child doesn’t think the speech lady is predictable (hehe) and I have lots more fun planning too!!
Carol says
I use real items with some students but not with others. Since introducing the iPad with some of my students with diagnoses of autism, I find that many are more engaged with the iPad and me than when I was using real objects with them. I control the iPad and don’t get nearly as many items thrown on the floor or at me.
Paige says
All the time! Love it!
Elizabeth K says
My kindergarten teachers have a version of this tool! I always borrow it from them!!
Beth Nagel says
Never underestimate the power of a hide-n-seek game with “real” objects. Adding the 3-d element instead of just picture cards brings the activity to life. I would love to have that box of goodies 🙂
Katy.G says
I have generally utilized picture cards and the ipad with my students, but would love the opportunity to try something different!
Chicory Blue says
I use a few real items with some kids….but generally picture cards or just plain old imitation (preschool population)
Diane says
Great tool for PK!
Kate says
Real objects make the session go by so much faster than flash cards!
Kara says
I would love to win! Using real, tangible items definitely mixes up therapy and makes it alot more interesting. I can see these applied to phonemic awareness activities, vocabulary activities, sensory boxes, and many more avenues for learning.
Rachel says
I use objects all the time for attic therapy! It is much more engaging for my younger students than pictures:)
Rachel says
*articulation not attic:)
Amelia says
I much prefer using real objects over picture cards, word lists etc., particularly with younger students, but the drawback is that real objects are much harder to source, organise, sort and store, such that I rarely actually use them. My current workplace doesn’t have a large range to draw from either, which makes it extra hard.
jrSLP says
This would be a fantastic addition to my speech room at school! The kids would love it! I am always looking for more hands-on activities… getting so bored of plain old artic cards!!!:P
pinkriss says
i have not used real items for therpay yet but plan on it 🙂 this set looks great!!
Cindy says
I use real items by doing an I Spy in my therapy room. We look for anything that has the target sounds.
Abby says
I try to use real items with my early intervention home visits. If not real items, then at least actual photographs instead of representative pictures or drawings. You are the greatest with your awesome ideas, freebies, and giveaways!
Carla K. says
I mostly use artic cards but have used our ELL teacher’s letter tubs with miniature objects.
Unknown says
This is something I have been wanting for a while. It would be great with Ned’s Head!
Andrea L says
I have used real objects in artic therapy but I never keep things organized. I think having a dedicated et of objects would help me use real objects more often.
Kari says
Love this!
I would love to use these with my preschoolers!! Thanks for the giveaway!!!
Beans says
This would make a great addition to our clinic!
Lisa says
What an amazing idea!!! I have so many card decks that I don’t know what to do with them. Utilizing objects for articulation and language therapy seems so much more beneficial with my student population. Being at a Title 1 school, I am not given the funds. Therefore, I have to purchase any necessary items on my own. This would be perfect!!!