Pop for Blends is a new game from Learning Resources. Some of the most fun games aren’t created directly for SLP’s but can easily be adapted from ‘reading/writing’ games into articultion games! Learning Resources provided me with copy of the game, but the opinions in this review are strictly mine. The game in it’s original form targets begining blends and digraphs. Students are given a spinner and popcorn kernals. They take turns drawing popcorn pieces from the popcorn box, saying as many words as indicated on the spinner. For example if they spin 3 and draw ‘bl’, they could say ‘blue, blanket, black.’ Students keep correct cards and seperate ‘un-popped’ cards (ones they can’t complete!) If they draw a ‘POP!” card – all their kernals go back into the box! To use this activity with articulation clients, I first sorted the kernals. I sorted into Sblends, L blends, R blends and ‘other.’ The ‘other’ category included digraphs (sh, th, wh) and some other blends (ie: tw). Now I can easily create a game by only selecting certain sounds. For my student this week we played with just S blends and L blends. If I was working with older students working on the /r/ sound, I could use the R blends with the digraphs added as foils. Pop for Blends retails for $9.99 but Learning Resources wants to give one reader their own copy for free! Just enter in the rafflecopter below. I will select a winner on Monday! Goodluck! a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Karen says
This game is so cute!
Krista Keleher says
I would use this with my awesome students!
♫~☼ceanBreeze~♫ says
This would be fun to play with my articulation kids.
Kelly says
My kids would love this game!
Olivia says
I would love to use this with my kiddos — have a bunch who are working on s blends and l blends!! How fun!
HearMyHands says
this game looks great! I don’t know my case load yet for Sept but I’m sure it can be used!!
Missy Paoletti says
I could use this with so many of my kids!!
Stephanie says
I would use this with not only my artic kids but also my language and fluency kids as a motivator/reward
Erin says
With my artic kids of course :-). I am always looking for alternatives to “go fish”.
Brea says
This activity would be great for my artic kids!
meagan says
As a CF starting in the fall, I am (slowly) beginning to build up my stock of activities and this would be an awesome addition for whatever students end up on my caseload!
Megan says
I am going in to my 2nd yr. as a SLP and definitely need more activities and games in my inventory! Being an SLP is quite pricey!
Jennifer says
This looks like a great activity to use with my son. thanks so much!
Blair Hoffman says
I would use it with my students, though I might provide some of the younger students with the words or pictures at first.
Carol says
I would use this with my primary and intermediate school kids. I have several working on l blends and s blends. Thanks for the opportunity!!
Cheerios626 says
Another great option to incorporate fun into straight drill work!
Amanda (Mandi) Schaumburg M.S.CCC-SLP says
I have several kiddos in speech I would use this with!
Anne says
Love this! I’ll be working at a school in the fall that has VERY few games (the former SLP focused heavily on drill work!) and this would be a great way to show the kids that speech can be fun!
Rebecca Jacobs says
I have several artic students I would use this with!
Cindy and Kristina says
I would love to use this activity with my artic kids! Flash cards can get so boring so I need new materials to mix it up!
Abby Beckman says
Love this idea and I will have 80ish kids on my caseload next yr so I am looking for all the fun and easy ideas I can get!!!!
20somethingsaver says
I would use this with the kiddos at my new elementary school this fall!
Jacqueline Whitney says
I would use this with my preschoolers with phonological disorders. Those kiddos need so much help with blends! For non readers I could always Velcro pictures on the back!
Shannon Giles says
I would use this with my students on my caseload in the public schools.
The Zookeeper says
I would be using this with my 3 kiddos!! kevinkaylaarrowood123 at yahoo dot com
Mary says
I would use this with my small groups during reading- especially my students that are still struggling with phoneme awareness and articulation, but I would bet that all of my students would like to play!
cbiksacky says
I’d use it with my speech kiddos.
Ms.Katers says
With my artic groups in grades 1-5. Cute!
Frances says
I would use it with my students. I have the sight words version and it is amazing!
movaly1 says
My artic and phonological kiddos!
Carly says
New SLP and any resources would be great!!
Jpetersen224 says
My elementary artic kiddos would love this!!
Leanne says
My elementary kiddos will love this!
Melissa A says
This could be a super fun game for both artic and language!
Queen Flip Flop says
Looks great!
Special Apps, Special Kids says
Too adorable!! I would use this with my articulation students! We have quite a few kiddos working on blends 😉 ~ Amy Vinson Taylor
ALR says
Since my preschoolers can’t read yet, I’d probably use this as a reinforcer. Who doesn’t love popcorn?!
agiftofspeech says
This would be awesome for my article groups. I could also modify to use it for working on verbs and creating grammatically appropriate sentences. Soooo cute!
Betty Rich says
For one month each school year, I decorate my speech room with a POPCORN theme. This game would be so perfect to use during that month, especially. Everyone loves popcorn!
wagnerslp says
I would use this game with my Artic students! They would LOVE it!
Christina says
I would use it with my artic kids. I’m always looking for games to use it with them.
Anonymous says
Pop for Blends is a new game from Learning Resources. Some of the most fun games aren’t created directly for SLP’s but can easily be adapted from ‘reading/writing’ games into articultion games! Learning Resources provided me with copy of the game, but the opinions in this review are strictly mine. swtor gold
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