

How to spend $100 in Speech Therapy Apps {Elementary Aged}

Hopefully Santa has plans to leave you a shiny new iPad under the tree this year. It’s so exciting to open that new packaging. After you download the Kindle app, Candy Crush, and some movies you might be ready to add some speech therapy apps.

How to Spend $ on apps

I get requests all the time for my favorite apps. I wanted to make you a list of the first apps I would add to a brand new iPad. I gave myself an imaginary budget of $100 and narrowed it down to some essentials in different areas. The title of this post is “how to spend $100” but I know it’s really EASY to spend $100. It’s harder to figure out how to spend that amount and have an iPad full of really high quality apps that will make the iPad a valuable tool for therapy. This is the elementary edition of this list!

FIrst 100 apps

The prices listed reflect the current price at the time of publication. You can download my list from my TpT shop! You can of course share the app list but make sure you attribute credit back to Speech Room News!

Would you like to see another app  list? What do you need apps for?

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