Play-Based Goldilocks and The 3 Bears for Speech Therapy

One of my favorite ways to work within our  fairy tales curriculum is to reenact and play the story through figurines and through dramatic play. Right now, we’re starting Fairy Tales week at school and I’m focusing on Goldilocks. There is just so much language available through the story!

You can grab this super cute house from the Target Dollar Spot for a few bucks. Then you can grab some sorting bears, some random doll furniture and maybe some trees for a forrest! Don’t mind that my Polly Pocket looks like she just woke up a after a night out. I borrow my bears from the teacher math manipulative bins at work. The random furniture is a hodgepodge of random items from dollhouses! You can hit up the thrift store to find your own collection. Variety makes the language richer!

Learning targets for play :

Size/Comparison words (comparative, superlatives, small/med/large)

Same/Different – Talk about the furniture! Beside size, how it is the same and different?

Sorting – By type or by size of furniture.

Story retell – utilize sentences, transition words (first, next, last), recall characters and details.

WH Questions – Story comprehension and early inferencing.

Positional concepts  – Directions for each room in the house and in comparison to other objects.

Pronouns – Targeting subjective and possessive pronouns with the characters.


I’d love to hear how you’re using your Target Dollar Spot House if you got one! If you’re looking for printed materials, I created a companion packet here in my shop! The packet is appropriate for preschool and Kindergarten students, although it may also be used for students older than those given ages. The book is not included in this set.

Some of my favorite activities include the WH questions, possessive pronouns, comparatives/superlatives, and an initial sound sort. There are lot more options, so check it out here.


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