Using Hypothetical Statements During Book Reading
Have you heard of using hypothetical statements during book reading? Lately, there has been a
Have you heard of using hypothetical statements during book reading? Lately, there has been a
I got a touchscreen whiteboard…now what?! A lot of educators have touchscreen whiteboards in their
Do you need books that target ‘WH questions’ for preschoolers? Many younger students, especially preschool
Don’t spend all of your therapy time quizzing kids on concepts. Make sure you take
My deep love of wordless picture books continues. This year, my favorite book of 2018
This week in preschool our teachers are using the book, Froggy Gets Dressed by Jonathan London. I
The week long sugar-induced craziness that follows Halloween in preschool is always hard to harness.
Boo! Hope you had a delightful and frightful Halloween. October was rough on my computer.
We’ve seriously been having the BEST week ever in speech. We’ve been getting scary with
If you take a mouse to speech, I guarantee you’ll have a blast. Popping in
Elmer has always been one of my favorite books. The sweet message about embracing our
The Kissing Hand has always been one of my favorite books. Chester is a raccoon
Welcome! The Speech Room News® is a speech therapy blog for speech-language pathologists and other educators. I use this space of the internet to share the news from my speech room to yours! I’m so glad you’ve found me!