You asked, I answer!

After posting yesterday about organization and my speech room – I have have several questions asked by multiple people. So This is a quick follow up! 1. What are those WH visuals you spoke of in hushed tones (or text?) These are what they look like. I can’t find the source. If you made them – claim them! I’m pretty sure I got them on Boardmaker Share but now I can’t find them. I also looked on SpeakingofSpeech, but they weren’t there either. I put them on magnets, so the kids can pull them off the wall as we work on different skills. Here’s a link for something similar: 2. What is your take on homework? I live in a great district. The families really care about education. For me that means many of my student complete their homework on a regular basis. I give everyone a yellow folder at the beginning of the year and start the year by sending homework weekly. If students complete homework I send more home. If they consistently forget to do homework, I stop sending it. For those students, I write that they aren’t completing homework on the progress report and that helps sometimes. Even if they don’t complete homework frequently – I send homework home occasionally in the hopes that parents will see it and follow through. A post about my parent communication will be coming to you soon. 3. Do you do a reward system? I do sticker charts. It’s simple and the kids can manage it themselves. I do them for k-5 kids who are on IEP’s. I see a lot of kids through RTI – they don’t have charts because their sessions are usually shorter and adding the stickers just takes too long to get out the door. For my IEP kids, they manage stickers while I’m passing out homework and getting everything finished up. I keep the stickers in the top of the pocket chart. The charts are on the wall behind the door (where they aren’t in sight from the table). Students get one sticker for behavior and an extra if they return homework. 10 stars = prize. I ask parents to donate to the prize box , order happy meals, and find treasures at the dollar store. 3. Where did you get that pocket chart? The pocket chart is from Oriental Trading! Check it out here: The over the door hangers came from a teacher garage sale. Not sure where those are from, but you can google it! Those were the most asked questions! Hope they help you!

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