I’m so excited to finally share this activity with you! I’m sure you’ve heard of the show Minute To Win It from NBC. I’m not a huge game show fan but this one did spark an idea for the speech room! I’ve had this idea floating in my head since the beginning of the school year, just hadn’t been able to produce it until over winter break! The concept of Minute To Win It, is doing relatively simple tasks in one minute. I thought it would make the perfect speech game! The video above is an example of a type of challenge on the show. In my Minute to Win It: Articulation game, students combine articulation skills with silly tasks and try to complete them in one minute! If you have the January ‘blahs’ this will be just the think to cure it.
The packet includes 11 pre-made games and blank sheets to create your own. In the picture above, I’m demonstrating a task where you say 10 artic. words and then use a straw to suck then off the table and place them on a cup. If you can complete the task in one minute, you’re the challenge champ!
I totally recommend bookmarking this countdown clock that looks like the show’s timer! It makes it seem so much more official!
I’m guessing you’ll already have all the materials needed (see the list above), but if you don’t they are easily found at the dollar store.
The challenges vary from simple to very hard. So far my kids are loving the ‘impossible’ ones. They are so determined to beat it! Each challenge has a card like the one above. They are loving adding their name to the ‘challenge champs’ part. Every time anyone else attempts that game they see who has already won!
So how am I actually using it? I’m using the plastic shoe box to store the game in. It has all the parts, plus the challenge cards.
I decided that the kids will use this as a reward on ‘drill days’. If they each reach a certain number of trials for that day, they will be able to pick a challenge to attempt. I placed the cover sheet and the ‘challenge of the day’ on my black cabinet. Last week, it was 150 trials (for each kid in a group of 5) to earn the chance to play. They were so motivated! I’m planning to have full ‘MTWI’ days when we’re celebrating a speech graduation, the last day of the year, etc.
I hope your students benefit from the gross motor activities paired with articulation tasks! Let me know what your think! Find the game in my TPT store! Leave a comment below and I’ll pick a winner to get their own copy for free!!
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