With 3 new fluency students on my caseload I have been struggling to find homework for different strategies. I found myself hand writing notes to parents, eating up precious therapy minutes! With a little trial an error I came up with a solution to that! Labels! Fluency Homework Labels to be more specific! Instead of buying another book with homework pages, I created these fluency homework labels to add to other worksheets. I can add them language, grammar, or articulation worksheets. I’ve found that adding them to articulation worksheets especially gives me the flexibility to have students work at the work, phrase or sentence level with their fluency strategies! These are label templates that can be printed on the Avery 5160 labels or other label sheets with 30/pages per sheet. The homework rating label sheet includes a set of directions that tell parents to use the included strategy to complete homework. It also had a red, green, and yellow dot. Have your student reflect on how fluency they were during the homework. This feedback can be discussed when the student returns the homework. Included in the download is a cover page, a homework rating page of labels, and 9 different fluency strategies sheets. The strategy sheets include: belly breathing, eye contact, wait time, pausing, turn taking, cancellations, pull-outs, easy beginnings and fake stuttering. Each sticker includes the strategy and a summary (for parents and the student). I print labels and keep them in the students’ working files. I used symbols similar to the Focus on Fluency Kit because that’s what I use with my students. On each page of homework, I add the homework rating label and one of the strategy labels. **Please note this product is meant to be printed on Avery 5160 labels. **Please note this a zipped file. You will need an unzipping file to open. Head over to Teachers Pay Teachers to grab my Fluency Homework Labels! Here’s a link to the Avery labels needed (amazon affiliate link included for your convenience!) What are you using for fluency homework? How to do quickly communicate the strategies to parents?
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jordan.laine says
I am only a few weeks into my CF so I haven’t started sending homework for my fluency students, but this would be a great way to start building a home program for these students!
Amy says
What a great idea! I would use the same type of worksheets (language, artic, ect) for my fluency students and write the strategy(ies) to use at the top of the page. This is not only a time saver but helps parents understand what the student is supposed to be doing as well. Nicely done!
Susan White says
Oh heck, where has this been! What a very useful idea. Nicely done, indeed.
Jenna Rayburn says
elangevin says
What a creative idea!
I’ve been writing the homework! I send home cards with the task written. This would be a great help!!
Marni Newberg says
I’ve also been writing the homework! I have 4 fluency kiddos on my caseload, and I am a CF with limited materials. You’re awesome!
Kristin says
Just added two new ones to my caseload! This would be great!
ElizaF says
This is such a good idea! In fact, this would be great for articulation and language homework too. I don’t have a lot of fluency kids on my caseload, so I don’t have a lot of materials. Right now, we haven’t sent too much homework home as it is. Thanks for making these!
Mer-Maid says
I’ve never given fluency homework, but I LOVE this idea! GENIUS!!
LisaSLP says
Fantastic idea! I think fluency homework is the hardest to come up with!
Jordan Bubis says
Typically give homework to practice sentences, read a story, or tell their sibling/parent/relative what we did in speech today using a specific strategy. Love this- and I think it would be more motivating for them to do their homework- who does not love stickers, organization, and directions that are easier to understand. So creative! Thanks for sharing!
Anonymous says
Such an awesome idea!
Haley Gilbert says
This is a fantastic idea and would save a lot of SLPs from writing out fluency hw every week!
Emily says
I send home the homework that is included in the Focus on Fluency manual.
Lisa moon says
great idea for lots of things!!! thank you for sharing!
Anonymous says
I just received a fluency child this year! So excited to start!
Cindy L Meester says
Excellent idea Jenna! I have not really sent homework for fluency.
1sparklleslp says
I LOVE labels (it’s an obsession)! I’m going back to Easy Does it For Fluency and re-learing all the word initiation techniques right along with a new student. What program/resource did you use for your fluency facilitating techniques on your labels?
APittCat says
I only have one fluency student now and havent given her homework recently. I think the labels are a great idea!
Stephanie says
great idea! I have made calendars with 3 assignments per week, with tasks similar to my artic kids–practice easy onset on 3 things you find in the refrigerator, etc.
wagnerslp says
I have not sent fluency homework in a while! I would like to try yours!
Erica says
These are awesome. Thanks for sharing!!
Sherry Miller says
I use month by month articulation and have the kids talk about topics using their fluency strategies. This is a great idea!
The Sutherland's says
I have been searching every where for Fluency Homework!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!
Anonymous says
I would love this!! I have been writing my homework!
Robyn Lynn says
I love this!! You are awesome!
Speech576 says
I haven’t given fluency homework before but I’m looking for ideas to start
Shannon SLP says
I haven’t been giving fluency homework, other than requests for role-play situations, but I love this idea!
Enid Feinberg says
just a review of the treatment pages in the speech therapy notebook
jessica.conrad2 says
wonderful idea!!!
VIKY says
this is a great idea!
Carmen Hove says
I don’t usually do homework with my fluency kids but I love Focus on Fluency and these labels look perfect – I’ve added it to my wishlist 🙂
Michelle Griffin says
I haven’t had any fluency students to date but just received notice today that I will be getting a move-in student who is being seen for fluency. I know there is one fluency workbook that is quite dated currently in my collection of materials from the previous SLP but I could really use simple and fast homework!
Unknown says
In all honesty, I haven’t sent much home for fluency homework. If I do, it is usually some type of game using a carrier phrase that we have been using in therapy while implementing a certain fluency enhancing technique.
Sonia H. says
I always struggle with fluency HW…I typically do what you were previously doing and hand write what I want them to practice at home. This is such a great idea!
mmrslp says
What a great idea! Your creativity is amazing…Would love to try these sticker out!
nichole schildt says
I use similar worksheets for homework and find myself always writing notes to the parents – this would be a great time saver!!
nichole schildt says
I use similar worksheets for homework and find myself always writing notes to the parents – this would be a great time saver!!
Anonymous says
Great product!! My fluency homework is well….writing notes home or a phone call.
Kristen N.
SherryD says
I don’t have fluency homework (that’s why I need these!). Just reminders to use the techniques when speaking with others.
Anonymous says
I haven’t had a fluency case in a few years….this year I have two. NEED THESE!!
kreinacher says
It is so hard to give homework for fluency. I love this idea to use the labels to remind the kids to use strategies along with another activity. Genius!
NHSpeechGirl says
Depends on what stage of treatment they are in. I often recommend breathing exercises and practice easy oneset and pullout strategies when reading. I need these to get me jump-started.
Anonymous says
Great idea!
SLP Gone Wild says
I do the same darn thing you do! These labels would save lots of time!
Crazy Speech World
Anonymous says
This looks terrific Jenna. Thank you!
Hannah C says
Such a clever idea! And it doesn’t require a ton of prep time!
custom printed labels says
i like to read these kind of creative posts…..The homework rating label sheet includes a set of directions which is really helpful for parents like me. It also helps student to improve their fluency during homework. It is totally a great piece of knowledge for all my friends who care about the future of their children. Thanks!!