

Fluency Homework Labels

With 3 new fluency students on my caseload  I have been struggling to find homework for  different strategies. I found myself hand writing notes to parents, eating up precious therapy minutes! With a little trial an error I came up with a solution to that! Labels! Fluency Homework Labels to be more specific! Instead of buying another book with homework pages, I created these fluency homework labels to add to other worksheets. I can add them language, grammar, or articulation worksheets. I’ve found that adding them to articulation worksheets especially gives me the flexibility to have students work at the work, phrase or sentence level with their fluency strategies!  These are label templates that can be printed on the Avery 5160 labels or other label sheets with 30/pages per sheet.  The homework rating label sheet includes a set of directions that tell parents to use the included strategy to complete homework. It also had a red, green, and yellow dot. Have your student reflect on how fluency they were during the homework. This feedback can be discussed when the student returns the homework.  Included in the download is a cover page, a homework rating page of labels, and 9 different fluency strategies sheets. The strategy sheets include: belly breathing, eye contact, wait time, pausing, turn taking, cancellations, pull-outs, easy beginnings and fake stuttering.  Each sticker includes the strategy and a summary (for parents and the student).  I print labels and keep them in the students’ working files.  I used symbols similar to the Focus on Fluency Kit because that’s what I use with my students.  On each page of homework, I add the homework rating label and one of the strategy labels.  **Please note this product is meant to be printed on Avery 5160 labels. **Please note this a zipped file. You will need an unzipping file to open. Head over to Teachers Pay Teachers to grab my Fluency Homework Labels! Here’s a link to the Avery labels needed (amazon affiliate link included for your convenience!) What are you using for fluency homework? How to do quickly communicate the strategies to parents? 

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