One of the reasons I love Fall is football season! It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Can I get an O-H? So this week I’ve been using a football themed box of fun. Now I know you won’t be surprised when I tell you I found it at Goodwill. (My name is Jenna and I am a Goodwill addict.) The game, Football Guys, is made by Kaskey Kids (see the Amazon Affiliate Link below). They make many NCAA teams. We played a few different ways. The most fun is to set up your ‘team’ on the goal line. Then each student answered a given number of speech or language activities. After they answered their targets they each rolled dice and moved that many yards down the field. The student with the most touchdowns won! So much fun! O-H…………
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Elissa Dembner says
Love all of your stuff, Jenna! Just can’t do this one. Spent 5 years in Michigan and became diehard Wolverine fan! Keep up the good work. Helping me keep my therapy sessions fresh!.
slongslp says
Love this- I have the generic version of football guys I got at a toy store years ago and I use a card deck with 10, 20, 30 etc on it to have students move down the field. Never thought of using a dice instead. Good idea! 🙂
Christine Luketic says
I-O! Love this idea.
1sparklleslp says
Brandy Madujibeya-Epps says
What workbook did the cook and tell come from?
Jenna Rayburn says
Awesome Activities for CH SH TH:
Erica says
This is awesome! Such a simple idea yet a great motivator for my older elementary and middle school kids! I made my own “field” using photoshop and put our school logo on it, and instead of players the kids move footballs down the field. They love it! Thanks for the activity 🙂
Julie says
You could probably find some cake toppers that are football guys. Might be a lot cheaper than the game.
Nanette says
I just ordered this game! I am sure my students will LOVE it!!!!! Thanks for the idea! Love your ideas and website!