This post first appeared at Live, Love, Speech. Thanks to Kristine for hosting me! Preschool is my favorite area of speech-language pathology. I love to see the impact from early intervention! Today I wanted to share with a few of my ‘go-to’ therapy items for children who are very young or lower functioning. These items make great motivators and there are pieces so the child has plenty of opportunities to request. Amazon affiliate links are included for your convenience. My absolute ‘go-to’ for therapy are the Peek-A-Blocks. I love them and have rounded up quite a group of them. I grab them at Goodwill every chance I get. They make a set of alphabet, food and vehicle blocks. The items inside are all early vocabulary items (plane, duck, banana, etc.) This little friend and I were working on expressing single words paired with signs (for animals and colors). Of course we built towers and crashed them down! Perfect for 1, 2, 3, go! If you hold the bag of items, you can have the students requesting for each block. The kids just don’t get tired of building towers! One of my other favorite’s is the Busy Gears set. Students add the gears to the base of the unit.
Once they add each gear, they press the red button and watch the toy light up and spin. This is highly motivating for my little guys, especially anyone with sensory issues. What are you using to work with the littlest ones on your caseload?
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