

Thanksgiving Roundup!

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I love the time to celebrate with family and that warm and toasting feeling it gives us. You know I love seasonal activities, so I thought I’d round up the activities I have posted in the last few years about turkey time!  Turkey Categories Freebie Thanks for Thanksgiving Book Companion Ideas Thanksgiving Articulation There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie Book Companion Thanksgiving Language, Feast of Social Skills, Grammar Smorgasbord.  Pilgrims & Indians Irregular Verbs FREEBIE Play Food Thanksgiving for Preschoolers! Sensory, Do-A-Dot, & Feather Turkeys! Thanksgiving Language activities for Middle/HIgh School My latest addition is the Turkeys In Disguise: Inferencing activity If you’re working with children with significant delays or ASD you might benefit from this Life Skills geared packet that includes all real photos! Thanksgiving Life Skills Mini Unit Gobble, Gobble, Gobble! 

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