Happy Monday. Today I’m reviewing a staple for your therapy room. Ask & Answer WH Question Bingo is a Super Duper Publications product. They asked me to review this one and I readily agreed! ((The opinions here are all mine and the product was provided for review.)I’ve always had this in my therapy cabinet. That was until I moved schools this year and had to leave it behind! When new CF’s ask me what therapy materials they need, WH bingo is usually on my short list. You can do SO much with it! So here are the stats: The game is most appropriate for preschool-second graders. It comes with 6 different cards of each WH game (WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY, and COMBO). The cards are laminated and durable. There are 144 calling cards and 200 bingo chips. The game is meant to target receptive and expressive comprehension of WH questions. Of course you will use it for way more than just WH questions! Using the WHAT cards I like to give my clues for the cards by naming attributes, functions, and categories. For example, “This item is an animal.” or “This is something you use to get tangles out of your hair.” The WHY questions are especially great for kids working on complex sentence formation. For example, I put the word ‘BECAUSE’ on the table during this game. My students had to answer the why question with a sentence that used BECAUSE to earn their bingo covering! You can use the WHO cards for pronouns or SVO sentences. You can use the WHEN questions to expand on temporal concepts. The possibilities are endless! I even use the combo set to work on social skills. We used the calling cards to determine prompt questions for each other. For example, when “student 1” pulled the card with ‘book’, he asked “student 2” what his favorite book was! Pros: This bingo activity is one all my students are familiar with which makes it easy to manage. I can manipulate the game to target many different activities beyond what it’s intended for making it great for mixed groups Cons: The price point on this set is really my only drawback $54 is a hefty chunk of change. (Watch for those Super Duper sales!) Ask & Answer Bingo is available from Super Duper for $54.95
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