Earth Day Speech and Language

Earth Day is April 22 and such a great topic for speech therapy lessons. My classroom teachers have been doing the recycling, planet care, healthy choices unit this week so I went ahead and did the Earth Day materials I was planning for later in the month.

Earth Day BINGO

It turned out to be the best plans because I needed no-prep print and go for the week after spring break.


Earth Day BINGO

Anyway… the bingo game was perfect. The Color and Play Earth Day BINGO is a great way to focus on vocabulary.

Preschool Recycling Center

This hands-on center in the preschool classroom was perfect! The kids sorted recycling out of the pond to help save the fish and frogs! My preschool teachers rock!

Earth Day Interactive Vocab Books

Then we followed up with two Earth Day interactive vocabulary books! In one book the kids sorting recycling into the correct receptacle.

Earth Day Interactive Vocab Books

Earth Day Interactive Vocab Books

The other book is full of activities that will help take care of the planet.

Earth Day Describing

If you’re working with school aged students check out this Earth Day Describing packet I used last year!

How are YOU celebrating Earth Day?!


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