CEU Course Enrollment is Open!

I’m so excited! It’s been about 6 months since enrollment in my online courses has been open! If you’ve been waiting to get in, this is the time! The courses won’t be open again during this school year! Enrollment is only open for ONE WEEK. Our private Facebook groups have hundreds of members working together during this school year to problem solve and support one another. The most important part of this program has been the community we can build together. I’m here to mentor you through this year! If you’re starting a new job or CF this January, let me guide you through it! is your overview course if you’re transferring from a medical or private practice setting to the schools. Ashley recently finished the course and she said, “I felt this was a great use of my time. It really provides the viewer with an overview of expectations moving into a school system. You also went above and beyond with providing us with checklists, examples and templates we can use or adapt.”

CF 101 is a course specifically for people starting their CF in the school setting. This course includes 40+ videos to teach you what you didn’t learn in graduate school. Grab instant downloads for documentation of your ASHA clinical fellowship year. Plus access forms, charts, and materials to start therapy on your first day.

Kelsey said, “Just finished the course!! I can’t tell you Jenna Rayburn how MUCH LESS WORRIED I am about all the unknowns coming during my CFY. It’s so nice to know there are people in our corner! You provided so much GREAT information, I cannot begin to imagine all the ways this course will make this year better! Thank you!!!!!”

To learn more or get started, visit

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