Spring Big List for Speech Therapy Activities

A Big List of Spring Speech Therapy Links, coming right up!  Seasonal therapy materials are some of my favorites so I wanted to share with you a BIG LIST for spring resources. 

This page includes links to all sorts of therapy favorites for fall. A big list! Switching between remote and in-person therapy can be difficult so I hope having all these resources linked in one place is helpful! Just bookmark this tab and I’ll add to it as things are created or as I find websites! 

This list includes Spring, Easter, and Earth Day

Links can change so please let me know if any of them are broken! Affiliate links may be included below for your convenience. Purchasing through affiliate links gives back a small portion of your purchase to this page to allow for more free content to be developed! Thanks for your support to help build the Big List of Spring Speech Therapy materials. 

Check out the other lists here: Fall Big List

Favorite Spring Games and Toys

Carrot Size Sorter

Bubble Machine

Egg Shape Match

Inspects Chunky Puzzle

Jumping Jack Game

Flower Building Set

Play Rabbit Set

Spring Parent Handouts:

Spring Learning Through Play English

Spring Learning Through Play Spanish

Spring Books:


The Brave Bold Bunny



Some Bugs

The Big Umbrella

And Then It’s Spring

Tops and Bottoms

Plant the Tiny Seed

Spring Book Companions: 

Old Lady Who Swallowed a Chick

Sheep in a Jeep

Old Lady Who Swallowed a Frog

Tops and Bottoms

AAC Activities:

Spring AAC Book Companions

Spring Articulation: 

Feed the Bunny Boom Deck for Artic

Spring Build and Say Artic + Language (Print + Boom)

Spring Day Boom Cards for Articulation

Spring Dot and Go Artic with Google Slides + Print

Year Round Paper Strip Art

Dough and Data Spring

100 Trial Spring Artic

Bugs Spin and Speak

Blooms Spin and Speak

Articulation Garden Sensory Bin

Bunny Spin and Speak

Interactive Vocabulary Books

Spring IVB

Earth Day IVB

Eggs and Bunnies IVB

Garden IVB

Insect Life Cycle IVB

Weather IVB

Spring Language:

Carrotville Grammar and Language

Earth Day Bingo

Caterpillar Categories 

Earth Day Describe and Sort

Spring Build and Say Artic + Language (Print + Boom)

Year Round Paper Strip Art

Bunny Prepositions

Dough and Data Spring

Online Games:

Pinkalicious Garden – PBS Kids

Make an Easter Egg – ABCYa

Cyber Chase Save the Park – PBS Kids

Daniel Tiger’s Fish Tank – PBS Kids

Baby Chick Maze – ABCYa

Elinor Wonder’s Why Pond Life – PBS Kids

Let me Grow – ABCYa

Xavier Story Maker – PBS Kids

Online Videos:

Elmo Welcome Baby Chicks – PBS Kids

Elmo W is for Weather – PBS Kids

Elmo Ready Set Grow – PBS Kids

Online Songs: 

Butterfly, Ladybug,  Bumblebee

Mr. Golden Sun

And the Green Grass Grew

Five Little Ducks

Bees go Buzzing

Digital Field Trips/Planning Activities

Cherry Blossom Festival. Watch the Bloom Cam! #BloomCam, brought to you by the Trust for the National Mall, in partnership with the National Park Service and Earthcam, is a 24/7, live, real-time view of the cherry trees lining the Tidal Basin, one of the most popular and iconic sites in Washington, DC. #BloomCam offers year-round views of the cherry trees and their seasonal changes to viewers worldwide and is highlighted here during BloomWatch as we await the peak blooms.

Have a favorite that I missed? Leave a link in a comment and I’ll get them added to the BIG LIST!

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