Articulation Toss Across

I love a game of tic-tac-toe! We make a paper articulation version some days in my speech room. Today I wanted to share my great thrift store find of the month! I found this Toss Across Game for two bucks. You can buy new by following the link or just keep your eye out for it in a thrift store near you!  The game uses spinning blocks that have X’s and O’s. You toss the bean bags in order to spin the blocks! Tape articulation or language cards to the top and viola! A fun day in speech!  Of course you have to be careful to get many trials out of one turn in this game! I had my students say a target word 10 times before their turn. Next they had to make up a sentence based on the card their bean bag landed on! Here’s my little friends’ feet waiting for their next question! We had fun! 

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