Give Me 10: Articulation

Carryover is one of the most difficult aspects of articulation and phonology disorders. I’ve been working with my teachers and parents to come up with ways to encourage carryover and this is my best attempt yet!

Give Me 10: Artic


Give Me 10: Articulation is an idea for kids to trace their hands and make a poster that is interactive. You glue down the palms only so that the fingers can still move. The child can bend down the fingers for each sound/word they say.

Give Me 10: Articulation

“Give Me 10” is developed to help students practice articulation targets multiple times while counting on 10 fingers. They will complete 10 trials of 10 words and then be so excited to say they finished 100 words! (If they are in preschool this trick still works!)

It gives children a visual feedback and support by showing the number of trials they have completed. This set is meant to be very flexible to meet the needs of your caseload and includes both long and short crafts as well as follow-up homework sheets. The target of these activities is to elicit 100 trials.

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Full Cut/Glue Craft: Print black and white hands page (page 4) and one strip of target sounds (pages 5-9). Attach worksheet to poster paper. Glue 10 pictures onto the boxes on the bottom of the sheet. Trace your student’s hands on a piece of construction paper and cut them out. Glue only the palms on top of the hands on the worksheet. Bend down the fingers on the construction paper hands. Have your student fold down each finger as they say each word.


Modified Craft:  Because sometimes you want to craft but don’t have time! Print the Hands with Sounds worksheet for the needed sounds (pages 13-38). Trace the student’s hands on construction paper and cut them out. Glue the hands on top of the hand drawings by putting glue on the palms only. Bend down the fingers on the construction paper hands. Have your student fold down each finger as they say each word.


Homework sheets (pages 39-60) are included to allow for follow-up homework. These are also great to leave in classroom for carryover or RtI.



Included in this packet: 60 pages of materials. All black and white options for print and go/print and create.
– Targeted sounds in the initial and final position: P, B, M, T, D, F, V, K, G, J, S, Z, L, TH, SH, CH
– Targeted blends in the initial position: S blends, L blends, R blends
– R & Vocalic R (EAR, ER, AR, IRE, OR, AIR) in mixed positions
-42 (half sheet) homework pages with 10 words each. One homework page for initial sounds and one page for final of each targeted sound.
– Blank homework sheets to write in custom words for older students (readers)
-26 Hands and Sounds craft worksheets
-4 Hands and Blanks craft worksheets (one black and white plus 3 shades of skin color hands)
– 26 Sounds strips (10 words with 5 initial and 5 final sounds)

Here is a video of one of my sweet guys using it! Doesn’t he sound great! And motivated? And independent?!

To use these for carryover, make and practice the set for speech. After your student is successful, find a spot in the student’s classroom to keep the poster. Let their teacher help them practice once per day. Then after a few weeks send them home.

Download Give Me 10: Articulation in my TeachersPayTeachers store! Leave a comment below and enter using the rafflecopter and I’ll pick three winners to grab a free copy!


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