

Better Hearing and Speech Month: Don’t BLOW your voice!! {Freebie}


I’m just BLOWING in today to share a new freebie in my store. I wanted to do something different than water bottle covers because I  didn’t want to carry water bottles in the rain today!

BHSM Freebie: Blow Pop tags


I know JUST how to win over teachers in May. Sugar! I’m made some tags to attach to Blow Pops. They are perfect to attach to a gum filled Lollipop and made sure to emphasize vocal hygiene to all my staff.

Don't BLOW your Voice #BHSM


They are perfect to put in the staff lounge or bring to a staff meeting.

Don't BLOW your voice! #BHSM


Happy Better Hearing and Speech Month! From me to you!

Retry later

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Welcome! The Speech Room News® is a speech therapy blog for speech-language pathologists and other educators. I use this space of the internet to share the news from my speech room to yours!  I’m so glad you’ve found me!


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