20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20 KJV
We’re about to have digital church here at Speech Room News this morning! Last fall, when I was mentally preparing to get to work I made a download that had scriptures for SLPs. I loved your enthusiastic reaction. This year I wanted to help make you (and me!) something to use throughout the year when we need a pick-me up. I solicited some other SLP bloggers and came up with the little prayers we use throughout the year.
Prayers for SLPs is a free download that contains 28 prayers for different occasions. Written by SLPs for SLPs and other educators. I recommend printing it and attaching to a book ring. Throw it in your top desk drawer and pull it out as the year moves along. I plan to keep mine by my bedside and start my day with a prayer before work.
The coolest thing about this download is that it started off as something I wanted to organize for myself. Then I realized you might like it too. Then I realized how great it could be if I could get a bunch of different people to write them! Now it’s something that really touched my heart! I hope it will be meaningful for you.
Download the freebie in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.
I’d also love to add a ton more prayers to the download for future years. Leave me a blog comment or leave feedback on TpT and include YOUR school prayer. I’m so looking forward to hearing from you!
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