

ASHA’s New Supervision Requirements

There have been two changes to the CE requirements through ASHA starting in 2020 and I think the more times you hear something the more likely you are to actually implement it, so I wanted to remind you about the new changes!

A few weeks ago, I gave you some links to free Ethics CE courses because that requirement starts in 2020 for ASHA (lots of states have already had this requirement). Read those updates and see the courses here.

The other large change is the requirement for supervisors. Effective January 1, 2020 SLPs who supervise are required to complete two hours of coursework related to supervision.

Supervision: Professional Development Requirements

Who? All clinical supervisor and clinical fellowship (CF) mentors providing supervision/clinical instruction for students and/or Clinical Fellows for purposes of ASHA certification. 

What? Complete a minimum of 2 hours of professional development in the area of supervision/clinical instruction 

When? After being awarded the CCC-A or CCC-SLP.

How Often? One time.

Once you take the coursework you need to login to your ASHA account and attest to this information! Login to ASHA.org and click My Account. Under certification and supervision, click on “2020 Requirements for Clinical Instructors, Supervisors, and Clinical Fellowship Mentors”. On the next page, click “edit” to attest that you’ve completed your two hours.

Planning to be a supervisor and need to complete your hours? Here’s a starting place. ASHA is offering two free hours right now!

ASHA Professional Development Supervision Courses. Scroll down to the middle of the page. Under Course Materials click the second link entitled: “ASHA Members: Access all course materials and complete the learning assessment to get your CE credits”

Continuing education credits: 0.2 ASHA CEUs (2.0 PDHs) 
Dates: 2017–July 26, 2021      
Type of Course: Self-study video                                        
Instructional Level: Introductory
Content Area: Related

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