

Language Adventures Review & Giveaway!

I’m sure you’ve heard the buzz! Smarty Ears has a new app out! Language Adventures is the first language ‘board game’ app! They gifted me a copy of the app to review (but the opinions belong to me!) and two copies for some lucky SRN followers! Hooray! So let’s check out the new app! My first impression of the app is that it might help save my sanity. Am I the only one who gets a little crazy every time the dice fall off the table?! I’m doing 3 cheers that I won’t have to help remember colors of game pawns or listen to the dice go flying! Let’s start with a short video to give you a tour of the app! The app focuses on Expressive and Receptive targets for synonyms, antonyms and multiple meaning words. The app provides practice for these three vocabulary skills at 3 different levels of difficulty. The app lets you pick one or more of these targets for the student. You can select Receptive (which provides 4 choices) or Expressive (open ended questions) language or both. Four students can play at one time. The students roll (aka tap) the dice and then move their pawns. At that point, a question appears on the screen. The app takes data which can then be printed or emailed. Settings within  the app can allow for different options for when students answer incorrectly and delivery of the questions. Overall it looks like a great way to get students engaged. The format is new and fun while targeting important skills for language impaired students. Let’s get to the giveaway! Enter using the rafllecopter widgit below. Please share the news about the giveaway! I will pick a winner this Friday! Goodluck! a Rafflecopter giveaway <a href=”http://rafl.es/enable-js”>You need javascript enabled to see this giveaway</a>.

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