

Attribute Apples Review & Giveaway

Attribute Apples is a Learning Resources product that will be a great addition to your preschool tool kit. Attribute Apples is a barrel of foam apples to be used for classification, sorting and more! The barrel contains 27 apples that are sorted by 5 different attributes. The attributes include size, color, stems, leaves and caterpillars! The apples are great for comparing and constrasting and working on the use of comparatives and superlatives. Attribute apples will make a wonderful addition to my Fall therapy bins! The apples are soft so this week one of my young kiddos and I took turns tossing them into the bucket. The gross motor movement was exactly what he needed. Then we created a sentence for the size. (I throw big apple.) The possibilities are endless for their uses in therapy! Now for the exciting part! Enter the {giveaway} below. One lucky SpeechRoomNews follower will get their own Attribute Apples!   a Rafflecopter giveaway

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