Dear Speech Therapy Student…

Dear preschool speech therapy student, Thank You. Today was that day. We had one of those big meetings where your mom and dad meet with a slew of professionals. To you it was just a weird day where you came to preschool and played but the rest of the kids weren’t here. We had that meeting where we exited you from intervention services, sending you to Kindergarten just like everybody else! This week, in preparation to your big meeting, I took a few minutes to stand back and watch you play in the dramatic play kitchen area. Preschool has been a huge part of your life. Next year you’ll be in Kindergarten. And today was the day I took a chance to sit back and listen to you while we played. I can’t believe the growth you’ve made. You answered my pretend phone call to the pizza/taco/fire station that was dramatic play today. You took the order and repeated it back to me. You directed your sous-chef to get the tacos while you got a pizza. You delivered my meal, making sure I paid the bill before I took a bite. Luckily you accepted bingo chips instead of money. Do you remember, that day we first met? I haven’t forgotten.  You couldn’t tell me your name but your sister translated for us. You tried to tell me who was on your shirt, but it was unintelligible. I nodded pretending to understand, but you knew I didn’t get it. Thank you for letting me be a part of your world. Thank you for letting me help you tell the world your name. I’m sure you’ll be able to tell it to your Kindergarten teacher! I’m ready to send you off to Kindergarten and I know you’ll do great but I’ll stop by and visit just to make sure! Today is ‘Teacher Appreciation Day’ but it’s pretty clear to me that I’m the one who owes my appreciation to you. Thanks for giving me a job I love! Love, Miss Jenna

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