SLP New Year’s Resolutions

The start of the new year is a good time to reflect on how the year is going at work. While things are going well, there is always so much more to do! I decided to share a few of my SLP resolutions for the second half of the school year. I figure putting them out there for all of you to see means I’ll be more accountable!

SLP Resolutions5.  Complete IEPs and Progress Reports 1 week before due dates. To complete this one am getting better at writing start and deadline dates in my calendar. It really does help me get organized. Evaluations for my team are a one week turn around so those will have to continue to be a crunch each week.

4. Don’t bring work home! I’ve been SO good at this since August! I’ve only brought work home twice! I go in early and then stay late if I need to, but except for a few times I’ve been rocking this one. I need to keep doing it for 2015!

3. Plan carryover classroom activities for two students each week. I know that doesn’t help everybody on my caseload but it’s a start and it’s what I realistically have time for. I’ll show you some of the things I’ve been making for my preschool teachers.

2. Develop a program to get the entire team onboard for AAC users. Make weekly activities and reminder sheets.

1. Follow at least TWO of those four resolutions. I never follow through with all of them, but even 50%  would be great!

I’d love to hear your own SLP resolutions below! I’m linking up with Natalie to share these with other SLPs so head over to her blog to see more SLP resolutions!

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