In all my places of employment over the last few years I’ve been the one people hunt down for technology help. It’s sorta funny to me because I still call my brother, Garrett, every few weeks for help with a tech-questions. While I’m not an overall tech expert, I have become a SLP App Expert because of all the reviews I complete for the blog. It’s fun to try our new apps and new technology that can help our student learn, grow, talk, or engage socially. I use my iPad weekly and when I met the folks at Yapp Guru at ASHA this year I jumped at the chance to be an App Expert Reviewer on their site!
Yapp Guru is a website that hosts reviews for therapy apps. This includes ‘experts’ who review apps (including myself) from a wide variety of therapy perspectives. We’re from all over the world, working with different populations, and we’re actually using the apps! Yapp Guru also using a voting system. So YOU can vote up or vote down apps. Expert reviews are so crucial because we know you’re spending your hard earning money on apps for your students. Even if you’re a lucky one with an employer buying apps for you, you want to get the most mileage out of those dollars. That’s why we’re here to help!
Since January, I’ve completed a handful of reviews for the site. This month their challenging the Experts to post the most new reviews for a Yapp Guru March Madness Contest. A competition? A prize? Count me in!
So start by heading over to my profile to see which apps I have reviewed and then leave a comment here telling me which ones you would like to see reviewed next! I’m working on getting some new ones posted this month!
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