The Three Little Pigs Sensory Bin

We had a blast playing with a new 3 Little Pigs sensory bin last month! I thought I’d share it on the blog so the shopping links and activities have a place to live forever!

This sensory bin can be made from scrounged materials because I bet you have most on hand. Since I’m an exhausted pregnant lady, I chose to just order all the stuff I needed directly from Amazon! Two days later I had everything I needed right on my doorstep.

Here’s your Amazon shopping list (affiliate links included):






Speech and Language Targets

Our therapy plans included story retell. I set up and retold the story first. Then each student made their own little set up for retell. I was glad I had enough pigs and wolves for all my students to make their own retell set up! Check out those sets on Amazon to make your own big bin!

Next, we made up alternate stories! The 3 Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig was my favorite! Lots of little friend made houses and just played! We worked on following directions, positonal concepts, and pronouns!

I added the varying task cards from my Three Little Pigs Speech and Language companion pack and we worked on tons of speech therapy goals.

We targeted locations and descriptions both receptive and expressively.

These always lend themselves to WH questions like “where” and “why” too!

If you’re interested in other Fairy Tales Materials for busy SLPs check out those here!

My favorites are the Huff and Puff articulation and language interactive ideas!

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