If you have seen any of the links in my side bar, you might already be familiar with the blog, Testy Yet Trying. Amy Ellsworth, M.A., CCC-SLP writes the blog Testy Yet Trying, where she goes by Dala. Amy has started a new therapy product business. She recently opened a shop on her website and is offering instant PDF downloads of therapy worksheets. Amy asked if I’d be interested in looking over her materials and of course I said yes! It’s so great to be able to support other bloggers and small business SLP’s! These eBooks are sold by sound. She currently offers /s/, /s/ blends and /k/. Amy sent me her /s/ blend set to check out. The 126 page document was full of a variety of treatment activities.
Amy has designed her books to be a one -stop shop for each sound. The kits can be used to move from isolation all the way through sentence level productions. They are written to be accessible to both therapists and parents. You get well over 100 cards, minimal pairs, pivot phrases, three levels of homework sheets, printable activities and more in one place.
Having the therapy materials in pdf format puts you in control. You can print the materials as many times as you need to and for different purposes. If you want to send a practice set of cards home with a child, simply print another set. If you want to cut up the pictures to use in an art project you can because you can print another set.
The words are all carefully chosen based on motor-speech principles. The words have simple syllable shapes and include all possible vowels to practice the target sound in a variety of co-articulation contexts. Further, the words are sortable by difficulty, so that you can progress fom the simpler ones to more complex ones.
This makes my sets ideal for working with children with apraxia, hearing impairment, very young children, or any other children for whom the typical articulation sets are too complex.
The cards are sortable by difficulty, vowel, position, and phonological process. You can mix multiple decks together and easily sort them apart again.
If you want to work on a specific vowel, you can easily sort out words with that vowel (or eliminate vowels that are particularly diffiult). Particularly if you have multiple sets, you can begin to build phonological process sets that incorporate all the advantages of the phoneme sets (simple syllable shapes, target words chosen on motor-speech principles).
Overall, I love the diversity in the activities included. Amy has taken special consideration into the complexity of each activity. It was a great activity for my student with Apraxia. Amy wants to give two lucky readers a free eBook of their choice. Enter via rafflecopter below. She also set up a discount code in her store for Speech Room News followers. Just enter the discount code SRN2012, to receive 30% off your order through the end of November. a Rafflecopter giveaway
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